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Legal Infosolutions Pvt Ltd.
We aim for Integrity,
Team Work and Customer Satisfaction.
o become the leading law firm in the sector and Post Graduate in HR management from Bhartiya
Tprovide the most prompt as well as cost-effective Vidya Bhawan Mumbai in 1992.
disposal of any disputes. Based on our expertise, work
ethics, high performance team and core values, we Satendra Singh is a senior reputed Industrial Labour
should be able to realize our vision. Law Consultant, having a prominent name in this field
for last more than 20 years. He had advised top level
Vision: managements of many companies.
Our company LEGAL INFOSOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. LIPL has the privilege of five decades long experience
is the first ISO-9001:2008 CERTIFIED Company in of senior Industrial and Labour Law consultant/
India in our category of services. industrial-cum-labour law advisor Sh. Satendra Singh
and Smt. Babita Singh. With assistance from other
OUTSOURCING – AUDIT – CONSULTING Advocates and our able staff, we serve our clients with
a zero-defect focus.
LIPL is a leading HR Company focusing on Statutory
Compliance for Establishments, Factories, besides Satendra Singh holds a Bachelor degree in Science
Payroll Compliance, Contract Labour Compliance, from Christ Church College Kanpur and is a qualified
Consulting and Audit, Flexi Staffing, Social Audits, Post Graduate in HR management. He became
Technical Audi and Payroll Services. We have member of the Law of Labour Advisors Association
expertise in Labour Laws applicable to various States (LLAAUP) in 2000, and now headed LLAAUP as
and offer services on Pan-India basis with our own a President. He has rendered consultancy to lot of
resource and infrastructure supported with in-house domestic and multinational companies, having their
technology. Our distinguished list of clientele speaks subsidiaries and branch offices in India with regards
for our capabilities and competencies. to Labour Laws and policy, salary structures, tax
planning of employees. He was pioneer in designing
Our Logo mean to simplify all labour laws in best pay structure in compliance with the labour laws of
manner. India.
Meet the Intellectual leader: He is Certified Practitioner Human Resource (CPHR)
Satendra Singh (born on 11 November 1970) is an High Distinction from Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan,
Indian social activist working on various crucial social holds HR degree from Mumbai and holds Labour
and environmental issues raised by Men and Women Laws Certificate from Labour Law Institute Delhi.
facing injustice in India. He is an alumnus of Christ Currently Satendra Singh is working as a CMD of
Church College Kanpur U.P. India. Legal Infosolutions Private Limited with over all 20
years of experience specializing in the Management
Satendra Singh was born in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, to Consulting, Payroll Consulting, Recruitment and
Manorama Singh and Sheetla Prashad Singh, a bank Human Resource industry. Recently Satendra Singh
employee, on 11 November 1970. Satendra Singh has also been awarded by Times Group Small
earned an honors degree, B.Sc. in Science from Christ Business Award-2017 and appreciated by Times
Church College Kanpur. He worked with voluntary Group.
organizations in Kanpur for 10 years. And qualified