Page 16 - Legal Infosolutions Pvt Ltd.
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know well, how to deliver this offers one-stop compliance solution legal procedures and offer client-
and at the same time meet the for all your labour law obligations friendly services inspired by the
changing demands of a complex – be it registration / licenses / vision of our respected CMD. The
world. Understanding transition approvals, depository, register Para-Legal and back up staff are
from traditional practice due to & record maintenance, statutory also efficient and competent with
liberalization and to help the displays, periodical returns and sound law background. Equipped
clients to find satisfactory solutions other departmental submissions. with the latest technology, we
is the goal in our approach. Having pan- India presence, it ensure that our attorneys have
We work with an objective of operates through its branches at continuous access to reference
providing the ultimate satisfaction Ghaziabad, Noida. materials, judicial precedents, and
to the clients by dealing ethically in computerized resources including
our endeavors. Our aim is to save How we work on making the Internet. We believe in the
the clients from any legal hassles industry better: value of traditional service. We
and provide solutions for all types affirm to provide service to every
of legal problems under one roof. LegalIPL was established in the client through close personal
We have managed to establish year 2001 and since then we have attention, from flexible and highly
long term relationships with many grown substantially by catering skilled teams. We aim to provide
clients based on trust and integrity to a wide client base. Our success outstanding services to our clients
and our successful representations is a result of the mentoring and combining us in knowledge, skills
have resulted in the addition of proficient skills of the CMD, Mr. and experience to suit to their
many prestigious names to our SATENDRA SINGH, a visionary needs and demands.
client list. The Firm has offices in legal professional with more
U.P. and operates through associate than 11 years of experience in Fostering teamwork:
offices in Delhi and NCR. handling different cases. Our
associate lawyers are graduate Successful projects depend on
Look no further: and postgraduate degrees in law how well the team works together.
& have thorough knowledge of Elements that lead to success
LIPL is a Labour Law Compliance the Indian laws and are well- include commitment, contribution,
Outsourcing venture of versed & possess with the good communication, and
LEGALIPL Consulting Group. It intricacies involved in various cooperation. Cooperation itself