Page 18 - Legal Infosolutions Pvt Ltd.
P. 18
generating team pride. Ltd., at Radisson Blue Sector 18 Association-U.P., at Radisson Blue
Noida. Sector 18 Noida. The program
Creativity at work: was inaugurated by Lalit Thukral
Chairman and Director Satendra (Chairman) NAEC, Director
Innovation flourishes on a team Singh said that the purpose of our of Boiler U.P.- Sandeep Gupta,
when individuals feel supported organization is to give information Deputy Labour Commissioner
by colleagues. Although taking about the factory and establishment Mr. P.K. Singh, State President
the lead in a new order of things owners about their rights and Satendra Singh, by lighting the
is risky business, such risk is labour laws. Whatever accidents lamp.
greatly reduced in a cooperative happen in factories, they are all in
environment where members the absence of knowledge State President of LLAA-U.P.
forgive mistakes, respect individual Mr. Satendra Singh told the
differences, and shift their thinking Satendra Singh said that it is people all factory owners must
from a point of view to a viewing compulsory to create a committee get training of First Aid for their
point. on sexual harassment in all staff and management and only
factories and establishments, the St. John Ambulance has been
Today’s industry scenario: in which there is a mandatory authorized in the Factory Act for
appointment of 3 representatives
The economy slowed in 2017, due of the manager side and a this training. This gives priority to
to shocks of “demonetization” in representative of any NGO. Where any emergency because of which
2016 and introduction of Goods there are more than ten employees people’s lives can be saved.
and Services Tax in 2017. Nearly employed, it is mandatory to make 1) Year of Founding: 2001
60% of India’s GDP is driven by an internal complaint committee;
domestic private consumption and otherwise the provision of penalty 2) Funding Information: Self and
continues to remain the world’s for fifty thousand rupees has from Bank
sixth-largest consumer market. been made in the Act. In today’s 3) Founding Members:
India is expected to be the third time, it is necessary to be in every SATENDRA SINGH, BABITA
largest consumer economy as factory and establishment. Women SINGH
its consumption may triple to working in establishment / factory
US$ 4 trillion by 2025, owing to can register a complaint in ICC, if 4) Office Locations:
shift in consumer behaviour and they are not listened to, then the
expenditure pattern, according to a case is transferred to the district H.O.:- BE-243, G.F. AVANTIKA,
Boston Consulting Group (BCG) committee.
report; and is estimated to surpass India already has one of the lowest CORP. OFF.:- The I Thum IT Park,
USA to become the second largest ratios of working women in the Suit no.-007, 3rd Floor, Tower -C,
economy in terms of purchasing world. It would be disastrous if Plot No.- 40-A, Sector- 62, Noida-
power parity (PPP) by the year companies, unclear about sexual 201301-U.P.
2040, according to a report by harassment, take the easy way
PricewaterhouseCoopers. out by simply rejecting women in 5) Company Strength: 180
Conducting seminars for favour of men. 6) Website: http://www.legalipl.
Human well fair: We need a better law that defines com
harassment properly and makes
A seminar on training of first aid every workplace obligated to deal You can also share your views on
and sexual harassment At Work with it. our YouTube link:-
A seminar was organized in
A seminar was organized in connection with Social and
connection with labour laws, Technical compliances under Our Websites are:-
training of first aid and sexual labour laws
harassment At Work Place in
collaboration with the Utthan In collaboration with the WRAP
Samiti by Legal Infosolutions Pvt. by “Law of Labour” Advisors