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Abhay Nevagi &                                   10Most
                                                       Associates                                    Law
                                                                                                     in India - 2020

                                                             Abhay Nevagi

                                                                 Alternative Energy, Petrochemicals & Specialty
                                                                 Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Biomedical devices,
                                                                 Biotechnology & Biochemistry, Nanotechnology,
                                                                 Garments & Textiles, Food Packaging Technology,
                                                                 Agriculture, Process Equipment, FMCGs and
                                                                 Entertainment Industry.

                                                                 Ambitious persona:

                                                                 Abhay Nevagi

                                                                 Is Managing Partner at Abhay Nevagi & Associates.
                                                                 Espoused the cause of training law students from
                                                                 rural and backward areas so that they acquire better
             bhay Nevagi and Associates is one of the leading    corporate and communication skills and enjoy equal
        Aand fast growing law firms in India. The Firm           preference as law students from better known colleges
        has made a formidable progress and has grown with        and Universities.
        the industry. Established in the year 1985, Abhay        Challenges:
        Nevagi & Associates is a firm in Western Maharashtra
        having its headquarters in Pune and offices in Mumbai,   In the contemporary business scenario,
        Kolhapur, Ahmedabad and New Delhi. Lawyers and           employment related issues are not confined only
        professionals who have in-depth knowledge and            to appointment letters/ employment contracts, but
        expertise, in finding cost effective and timely legal    also to confidentiality agreements or non-disclosure
        solutions to the problems faced by the clients, and      agreements.
        that provide tangible results to its clients build Abhay
        Nevagi & Associates.                                     Even today, an outsourcing contract is a vital
                                                                 document as large number of contract labour is
        Our clients range from individuals to Small &            seeking either permanency with the principal employer
        Medium-sized Enterprises, Private & Public               or parity in wages with other permanent employees.
        limited companies, Multinational Conglomerates,
        Research & Development organizations, Academic           Gone are those days when employment litigation
        Institutions and Government Organizations and            was confined to mere labour related issues. Now
        across diverse fields such as Software, Electronics      employment litigation has widened its scope to include
        & Telecommunications, Automobiles, Heavy                 disputes between the managerial staff on one hand
        Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Building              and the company on the other hand. This is a new
        & Construction, Defense Equipment, Power &               challenge.

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