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European Union Law
         The Court of Justice of the EU and the Internal Market
         Bernhard Schima       August 3 – August 14   4 ECTS credits

         This course is designed to help students understand the system of judicial
         protection in European Union (EU) law and the importance of the contribu-
         tion of the Court of Justice of the EU to the development of the Internal
         This course will:
         •   discuss the various judicial remedies in the EU legal order with particular
             emphasis on the infringement procedure and the preliminary reference
             procedure;                                             B. Schima
         •   explain the concept of an internal market;
         •   explore how the Court of Justice in its case-law has contributed to
             making the free movement of goods, persons, services and capitals
             operational, and
         •   look at the interplay between the Court's case-law and secondary Union
             legislation establishing the Internal Market.
         Requirements: Performance will be assessed on the basis of a short quiz
         (30% of the grade) at the end of the first week and a written final exam
         (60%). Class participation will be taken into account (10%).
         This course, which looks at European integration from a legal perspective,
         is recommended for students with prior knowledge of the institutions of
         the European Union or who have taken Christine Neuhold’s course:
         The Institutional Framework of the European Union.

                               I had an amazing time studying at the
                               Sommerhochschule and will always hold
                               the faculty, staff, and students in the
                               highest regard. It was an experience I
                               will never forget and always cherish.

                                   Dara Hrytzak, Canada

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