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European Political Systems in a Comparative Perspective
         Sylvia Kritzinger     August 3 – August 14   4 ECTS credits

         This course familiarizes students with the major theoretical, empirical and
         substantive issues in contemporary European politics. First, the course
         examines the different governmental institutions, electoral systems and
         party systems across the member states of the European Union and their
         impact on political processes and the society. Second, it focuses on the
         different social cleavages in these political systems and their changes over
         time. Third, the course analyzes the recent electoral behavior of the Euro-
         pean electorate both in national and European Parliament elections and its
         repercussions on European party systems. The course aims at deepening  S. Kritzinger
         the understanding of the main debates in contemporary European politics
         using a comparative approach.

         Requirements: Performance will be assessed on the basis of attendance
         and participation in class discussions (20%), a role play taking different
         party positions and government negotiations into account (40%), and a
         written final exam (40%).

                               Without any doubts it is a great opportunity
                               to combine both: studies and entertainment.
                               The knowledge I received at the Sommer-
                               hochschule was really useful and helped me
                               to better  understand the European Union’s
                               structures and functioning. In addition,  I
                               built a network of friends throughout the
                               world and learnt a lot about different count-
                               ries and cultures.

                                   Irina Guban, Moldova

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