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German Language Program

         The success of the German language program of the Sommerhochschule is  Teaching
         based on careful student placement, teachers well-trained in methodology  Approach
         and with a special training in teaching German as a foreign language, as
         well as balanced communicative teaching methods. These methods help
         you to learn quickly and gain confidence in your communicative skills while
         having fun at the same time.

         Our teaching approach for effective language learning:
         •   German will be the only language spoken in class.
         •   You will be actively involved all the time.
         •   Pair work and role play will be used to simulate real life situations.
         Students will learn German in small groups. If the number of students in a  Class Sizes
         German class exceeds 16, this class will be split up into two smaller sections.
         The minimum number of students per class is ten. The Sommerhochschule
         reserves the right to cancel a class should there not be enough participants.

         Ample opportunity for informal conversation and discussion in German will  Tutorials
         be provided by tutorials conducted by fellow Austrian students. The tutorial
         groups will consist of three to five students. The tutorials are part of the
         German language courses and attendance is obligatory.

         The German courses are available on four levels: A1, A2, B1 and B2 according  Levels
         to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
         Each German course corresponds to 6 ECTS credits (64 contact hours).
         One contact hour consists of 45 minutes class time.

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