Page 28 - OKOK
P. 28

Travel Arrangements          Sports and Recreation
         The Sommerhochschule campus is  All extracurricular activities on campus are free of
         located at Strobl, approximately  charge.
         300 km west of Vienna and 45 km from
         Salzburg. Students are responsible  Two thirds of the campus is surrounded by Lake Wolf-
         for their transportation to Strobl.  gang and forest. A romantic serpentine footpath winds
                                      its way through the forest along the lake and is ideal
         Directions: Students arriving by
         plane should fly into one of the
         following airports: Salzburg (Aus-
         tria), Vienna (Austria), and Munich
         (Germany). Students arriving in
         Vienna or Munich have to take a
         train to Salzburg before changing
         to the bus to Strobl. The bus station
         is situated opposite the Salzburg
         train station. On Saturday, July 18,
         a Sommerhochschule shuttle-bus
         will meet all incoming busses at the
         Strobl bus stop.
         Please note that the last reasonable
         bus to Strobl leaves Salzburg
         around 7:15 pm.

         Visa Applications
         Citizens from certain countries
         must apply for a visa before travel-
         ling to Austria. Students are advised
         to contact the Austrian embassy in
         their respective home countries for
         detailed information regarding the  for walks and runs. Hiking trails in the surrounding
         visa application process.    mountains are well marked and safe, and two weekend
         Visa applications should be made  days are reserved for hiking tours.
         well in advance because visa appli-
         cation procedures may require well  The campus area is large enough for various sport acti-
         over one month. Austrian embassies  vities, such as frisbee, badminton, soccer, etc. The pier
         in certain countries ask for a pay-  and boathouse are not only available for sports activi-
         ment confirmation or an invitation  ties, but also to relax, sun bathe, and for meeting up
         letter from the Sommerhochschule,  with other students.
         before the applicant is issued a visa. The campus also features a poolroom, a sauna, a table
         Students can obtain such documen- tennis room, and windsurfing facilities. Our sports trainer
         tation from the Sommerhochschule  of ers windsurfing courses throughout the duration of
         af er having paid the complete pro-  the summer program.
         gram fee. It is the  student’s respon-
         sibility to apply and obtain a visa in  Indoor facilities for volleyball, basketball, soccer, and
         time for the summer school.  other sports are available in the local sports hall.

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