Page 32 - OKOK
P. 32

         A limited number of partial scholar-
         ships ranging from € 400 to € 2,800
         are available for the European Study
         section of the summer school. The
         remaining amount to cover the pro-
         gram fee of € 3,545.20 (€ 1,970 pro-
         gram fee, € 20.20 Austrian students’
         union fee, plus € 1,555 double room
         accommodation and full board)
         must be paid by the applicant.
         The scholarships are awarded on
         the basis of academic excellence
         and financial need. In order to re-
         ceive a scholarship, students must
         demonstrate their financial need by
         describing their financial situation
         and submitting related documents.

         The application deadline for scho-
         larship applications is February 28,
         Applications must have reached the
         of ice of the Sommerhochschule by
         this date.
         Please note that the scholarships
         are granted for the European Studies
         program only, therefore scholarship
         students must attend and com-  include suitable documents demon-strating the appli-
         plete at least three European Stu-  cant’s financial need.
         dies courses. German courses can
         only be taken in addition to those  Scholarship applicants must provide the following:
         three European Studies courses.
                                      1. Proof of the applicant’s monthly net income: Pay-
         Students applying for a scholarship      slip(s) or income tax return(s) from the applicant, on
         have to submit the same material      which the monthly net income is made apparent.
         as regular applicants. Please refer to  2. Proof of the monthly net income of the applicant’s
         the application requirements      parents (if the applicant is under 30): Pay-slip(s) or
         number 1–6 (p. 28–29).           income tax return(s) from the applicant’s parents, on
                                          which the monthly net income is made apparent.
         Scholarship applicants do not have      If the applicant is over 30 no proof of the parent’s
         to submit a deposit.             income has to be provided.
         In addition to the application material  3. Proof of the monthly net income of the applicant’s
         listed, scholarship applicants have to      partner or spouse (if the applicant is living in the
         submit the completed application      same household): Pay-slip(s) or income tax return(s)
         form for financial assistance and       from the applicant’s partner, on which the monthly

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