Page 31 - OKOK
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Report, a diploma of a Cambridge  Application material must be sent to the following
             Exam or a diploma of any other   address (emailed applications cannot be accepted):
             official institution stating the Eng-
             lish level.                Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH –
         6. Two passport-size photos taken   Sommerhochschule
             within the past year.      Campus of the University of Vienna
         7. Deposit: A deposit of € 400 has to   Alser Strasse 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16, 1090 Vienna, Austria
             be submitted with the application.
                                      The deposit of € 400 is considered part of the required
         All documents have to be submitted  application material and must be transferred to the
         either in original or as a certified  following bank account of the Sommerhochschule by
         copy.                        April 30:

         All documents that are not issued  Innovationszentrum Universität Wien GmbH –
         in English or German have to be  Sommerhochschule
         translated into English or German.  Bank: Bank Austria
         The translations have to be done by  Bank address: Schottengasse 6, 1010 Vienna, Austria
         a notary or an of icial translator.  Account number: 00282240100
         Please note that applications will  Bank code: 11000
         not be reviewed until all required  BIC: BKAUATWW
         materials have been received.  IBAN: AT57 1100 0002 8224 0100
         Incomplete applications will not
         be accepted.                 The applicant's full name (first name and surname) has
                                      to be stated as "reason for transfer" or "reason for pay-
         Application Procedure        ment". All charges in connection with the payment must
         Applications for admission to the  be borne by the participant. In some cases charges can
         summer program are considered in  be incurred both in your home country and in Austria.
         order of their arrival. Students are
         strongly advised to apply as early as  Af er April 30, those students accepted by the Sommer-
         possible.                    hochschule will be informed via email. Upon notifica-
                                      tion of their acceptance, students are required to pay
         The application deadline for the  the remaining balance of € 1,590.20 for the program fee
         summer school 2020 is April 30.  and the Austrian students’ union fee plus the accommo-
         Applications must have reached the  dation fee (€ 1,849 for a single room or € 1,555 for a
         of ice of the Sommerhochschule by  double room) into the bank account of the Sommer-
         this date.                   hochschule.

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