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Fees and Application

         Fees                         For AAA students a limited number of rooms is available
         Sommerhochschule fees are € 1,970  on campus. Students applying for on-campus accommo-
         which include registration, tuition,  dation have to pay an additional fee for room and board
         use of all sports and recreational  which will be collected by the Sommerhochschule for the
         facilities (including tennis and wind-  host institution. This fee includes accommodation and
         surfing lessons), and all planned  full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for the two-week
         excursions.                  academy program.
         External students have to pay the  Accommodation in a single room: € 926
         Austrian students’ union fee of  Accommodation in a double room: € 779
         € 20.20 to be admitted to the Univer- (Prices include local tax.)
         sity of Vienna and to enjoy in-   su-  The nearby village of Strobl features a variety of guest
         rance coverage (general accident  houses and hotels to accommodate participants. It is
         and liability insurance). An additional highly recommended to book accommodation well in
         fee for room and board on campus  advance.
         will be collected by the Sommer-
         hochschule for the host institution  Application
         (Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenen-  Students are advised to read these instructions carefully
         bildung). This fee includes accommo- before completing the application material.
         dation and full board (breakfast,  Applicants have to submit the following documents:
         lunch, dinner) for the four week  1. Application form: Applicants must complete the
         program.                         application form (inserted at the end of this brochure).
         Accommodation in a single room:     2. Statement of Purpose: Applicants have to submit a
         € 1,849. Accommodation in a      written statement of motivation (maximum length
         double room: € 1,555.            one page).
         (Prices include local tax.)  3. Recommendation Letter: Applicants are required to
         Rooms will be distributed according      submit a recommendation letter. The letter has to
         to availability. Room reservations for     include a paragraph about the student's ability to
         double rooms will be considered in      study abroad. The letter has to be submitted in original,
         order of arrival. All additional costs      bearing the referees signature. Preferably it should be
         for travel arrangements as well as      written on official letter paper and placed in a sealed
         health insurance and medical care are      envelope.
         the responsibility of the participants.      The recommendation letter can be written by a person
                                          from your academic field or by a person from the pro-
         The two-week Austrian Arbitration      fessional field. If the applicant is a student, the letter
         Academy can also be booked as an       should be written by a person from his/her academic area.
         independent program. In this case  4. Transcript of Grades: The application must include an
         the fees are € 1,320 which include      official, certified transcript showing courses and grades
         registration, tuition, use of all sports      from the university the applicant is currently attending.
         and recreational facilities, all planned      Applicants who have already completed their studies
         excursions. External students have      should submit a copy of their diploma. All transcripts
         to pay the Austrian students’ union      and diplomas must include an explanation of the
         fee of € 20.20 to be admitted to the      grading system used.
         University of Vienna and to enjoy in-  5. Official proof of proficiency level in English: Applicants
         surance coverage (general accident      whose native language is not English must submit
         and liability insurance).        proof of their proficient command of English. This
                                          can be a TOEFL Test Score Report, an IELTS Test

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