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P. 19

Law and Information Society in Europe
         Nikolaus Forgó       August 3 – August 14    4 ECTS credits

         This course will focus on European and global trends in the legal regulation
         of information and communication. Specific attention will be attributed to
         access to information, copyright, identity management and privacy in a glo-
         balized information society. We will work on the relevant European regula-
         tions, directives and case law and will compare them with other legal,
         technical and social approaches.

         •   Law as Code and Code as Law? The relations between technical, social,   N. Forgó
             economical and legal forms of regulation
         •   Regulation of Information: The European approach
         •   Transparency, Privacy, and Data Protection: outdated concepts in an in-
             formation society?
         •   Identity, Authenticity, and Security in a globalized network-environment
         Recommended Reading: Lawrence Lessig, Code and other Laws of Cyber-
         space; additional texts and cases will be distributed throughout the course.
         Requirements: Regular attendance and active participation in class
         discussions (40%) and an open-book essay exam (60%).

                                Strobl is a unique place for learning
                                together and from one another about
                                origins, interests, and institutions in a
                                relaxed atmosphere of loyalty and
                                equality where all sorts of borders and
                                prejudices fade away, horizons are
                                expanded, common outlook is
                                broadened, new countries and cultures
                                are discovered.

                                    Yevgenia Gaber, Ukraine

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