Page 184 - Essential Haematology
P. 184

170  /  Chapter 12  Haematological malignancy: management

                                             Fever 38°C or higher twice within 1 hour
                                             Fever 38°C or higher and circulatory/respiratory impairment
                                             Afebrile but suspicion of sepsis, e.g. hypotension in
                                                patient on high dose steroids

                                             Culture :  Blood – peripheral vein
                                                       – central venous cannulae
                                                   Swab at potential site of sepsis
                                             Consider CXR

                                             Broad spectrum antibiotic, e.g. meropenem/tazocin
                                             ± vancomycin (esp. if central line in place)
                                             Circulatory support if appropriate, e.g. fluids

                                      Resolution of fever       Fever persists 48–72 hours
                                      Continue treatment
                                      for 5–10 days after
                                      fever settles             Additional antibiotic?
                                                                  e.g. teicoplanin/vancomycin
                                                                Consider use of anti-fungal agents
                                                                Change antibiotics?

                              Figure 12.2   A protocol for the management of fever in the neutropenic patient. CRP, C - reactive protein; CXR,
                    chest X - ray; FBC, full blood count.
                    formed and infections are often not localized. Fever   cated.  Staphylococcus epidermidis  is a common
                    may be caused by blood products or drugs, but   source of fever in patients with intravenous lines
                    infection is the most common cause and fever of   and an agent such as teicoplanin, vancomycin or
                    over 38 ° C in neutropenic patients should be inves-  linezolid may be needed. If an infective agent and
                    tigated and treated within hours. Cultures should   its antibiotic sensitivities become known, appropri-
                    be taken from any likely focus of infection includ-  ate changes in the regimen are made. If no response
                    ing blood from central venous lines and peripheral   occurs within 48 – 72 hours, changing the anti-
                    veins, from urine and mouth swabs. The mouth and   biotics or treating a fungal or viral infection are

                    throat, intravenous catheter site, and perineal and   considered.
                    perianal areas are particularly likely foci. A chest
                    X - ray is indicated as chest infections are frequent.       Viral  i nfection
                        Antibiotic therapy must be started immediately       Prophylaxis and  t reatment of
                    after blood and other cultures have been taken; in     v iral  i nfection
                    many febrile episodes no organisms are isolated.

                       There are many different antibiotic regimes in    Herpes viruses, such as herpes simplex, varicella
                    use and a close link with the microbiology team is   zoster, CMV and Epstein – Barr virus (EBV),
                    essential. A typical regimen might be based on a   undergo latency following primary infection and
                    single agent such as a broad - spectrum penicillin   are never eradicated from the host. Most patients
                    (e.g. Tazocin  ), meropenem or a broad - spectrum   with haematological malignancy have already been
                    cephalosporin.  Teicoplanin, vancomycin or an   infected with these agents and viral reactivation is
                    aminoglycoside such as gentamicin may be indi-  therefore the most common problem. Aciclovir or
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