Page 188 - Essential Haematology
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174  /  Chapter 12  Haematological malignancy: management

                         Table 12.1   Drugs used in the treatment of leukaemia and lymphoma.

                                                     Mechanism of action       Particular side - effects *
                           Alkylating agents
                         Bendamustine              Alylating agent  and  purine       Myelosuppression
                         Cyclophosphamide          Cross - link DNA, impede RNA       Haemorrhagic cystitis,
                                                  formation                 cardiomyopathy, loss of hair
                         Chlorambucil                                        Marrow aplasia, hepatic toxicity,
                         Busulfan                                            Marrow aplasia, pulmonary
                                                                            fi brosis, hyperpigmentation
                         Melphalan                                           Marrow aplasia
                         Nitrosoureas (BCNU, CCNU)                           Renal and pulmonary toxicity
                         Cisplatin                 Intrastrand DNA linkage     Renal dysfunction, neurotoxicity,
                         Hydroxycarbamide (hydroxyurea)     Inhibits ribonucleotide       Pigmentation, nail dystrophy,
                                                  reductase                 skin ulceration
                         Methotrexate              Inhibit pyrimidine or purine       Mouth ulcers, gut toxicity
                                                  synthesis or incorporation
                                                  into DNA
                         Cytosine arabinoside      Inhibits DNA synthesis     CNS especially cerebellar
                                                                            toxicity and conjunctivitis at
                                                                            high doses

                         6 - Mercaptopurine  , 6 - thioguanine          Purine analogue     Jaundice, gut toxicity

                         Clofarabine               Purine analogue           Myelosuppression
                         Fludarabine                 Inhibit adenosine deaminase       Immunosuppression (low CD4
                       2 - Chlorodeoxyadenosine   or other purine pathways     counts); renal and
                       Deoxycoformycin                                      neurotoxicity (at high doses)
                           Cytotoxic antibiotics
                         Anthracyclines (e.g.        Bind to DNA and interfere       Cardiac toxicity, hair loss
                      daunorubicin)               with mitosis
                         Bleomycin                 DNA breaks                Pulmonary fi brosis, skin
                           Plant derivatives
                         Vincristine (Oncovin   )     Spindle damage         Neuropathy (peripheral or
                                                                            bladder or gut)
                         Vinblastine                                         myelosuppression
                         Etoposide                 Mitotic inhibitor         Hair loss, oral ulceration
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