Page 191 - Essential Haematology
P. 191

Chapter 12  Haematological malignancy: management  /  177

                                  ■   Progress in the treatment of haemopoietic         ■    Neutropenic patients who develop a fever
                           malignancies has been the result of     should be treated urgently with broad -
                           improvements in both supportive therapy     spectrum antibiotics.

                           and specifi c tumour treatments.            ■    Herpes viruses are a common cause of

                              ■    Supportive treatments often include:   infection in patients who are signifi cantly   SUMMARY

                                     insertion of a central venous catheter;     immunosuppressed.

                               appropriate use of red cell and platelet         ■    Fungal infections are a major clinical

                             transfusions;                         problem for patients undergoing
                               early administration of drugs to treat   chemotherapy. Antifungal drugs may be
                             infection;                            used for either prevention or treatment of
                               optimization of the blood coagulation   disease.
                             system;                                  ■    A wide range of drugs is now available for

                               drugs to reduce side effects such as   the treatment of haemopoietic malignancy:
                             nausea or pain;                           alkylating agents;
                               psychological support.                  antimetabolites;

                              ■    Gram - positive skin organisms such as       anthracyclines;

                             Staphyloccus  are common infections and       folate antagonists;
                           often colonize central venous catheters.        signal transduction inhibitors;

                              ■    Gram - negative bacteria are usually derived       steroids;

                           from the gut and can cause severe           monoclonal antibodies;
                           septicaemia.                                immune modulators;

                              ■    The use of air fi lters, handwashing and       proteasome inhibitors; and

                           antibiotics can reduce infection rates.        inhibitors of mitosis.
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