Page 190 - Essential Haematology
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176  /  Chapter 12  Haematological malignancy: management

                      combination with cytosine arabinoside as intrath-  therapeutic regimens used in the treatment of lym-
                      ecal prophylaxis of CNS disease in patients with   phoid malignancy and myeloma.
                      ALL, acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) or high      All - trans retinoic acid (ATRA)  is a vitamin A

                      grade non - Hodgkin lymphoma. High systemic   derivative that acts as a differentiation agent in acute
                      doses may also prenetrate the CNS. Folinic acid   promyelocytic leukaemia (APML). Tumour cells in
                      (formyl THF) is able to overcome the activity of   APML are arrested at the promyelocyte stage as a
                      methotrexate and is sometimes administered to   result of transcriptional repression resulting from
                       ‘ rescue ’  normal cells after high - dose methotrexate   the PML - RARA fusion protein (see  p. 182     ). ATRA
                      therapy.                                relieves this block and may lead to a brisk neu-
                       3       Pyrimidine analogues  include cytosine arabino-  trophila within a few days of treatment with other


                      side (cytarabine; ara - C) which is an analogue of   side - effects known as the   ATRA ’  or   differentiation ’
                      2   - deoxycytidine and is incorporated into DNA   (see  p. 183     ).
                      where it inhibits DNA polymerase and blocks      Demethylation agents  (e.g. azacytidine, decit-
                      replication.                            abine) act to increase transcription by reducing
                       4       Purine analogues  include fl udarabine  (which   methylation on cytosine resides within DNA.
                      inhibits DNA synthesis in a manner similar to      Interferon -  α   is an antiviral and antimitotic sub-
                      ara - C), mercaptopurine, azathioprine, benda-  stance produced in response to viral infection and

                      mustine, clofarabine and pentostatin  .      inflammation. It has proven useful in chronic
                                                              myeloid leukaemia, myeloma and myeloprolifera-
                         Cytotoxic antibiotic drugs  include the anthra-
                                                              tive diseases.
                    cyclines such as doxorubicin, hydroxodaunorubicin,
                                                                   Monoclonal antibodies  are highly eff ective

                    epirubicin and mitozantrone. These are able to
                                                              against B - cell malignancies. Rituximab binds to
                    intercalate into DNA and then bind strongly to
                                                              CD20 on B cells and appears to mediate cell death,
                    topoisomerases which are critical for relieving tor-
                                                              primarily through direct induction of apoptosis and
                    sional stress in replicating DNA by nicking and
                                                              opsonization (see  p. 265   ). Alemtuzumab binds to
                    resealing DNA strands. If topoisomerase activity is
                                                              CD52 and is highly effi  cient at fi xing complement
                    blocked, DNA replication cannot take place.
                                                              which lyzes the target B and T cells. Lumiliximab
                         Bleomycin  is a metal chelating antibiotic that
                                                              is an anti - CD23 in trial for treatment of chronic
                    generates superoxide radicals within cells that
                                                              lymphocytic leukaemia. Antibodies may also carry
                    degrade preformed DNA. It is active on non - cycling                ®
                                                              attached toxins (e.g. Mylotarg   ),  (anti - CD33)  or
                    cells.                                                               ®
                                                              radioactive isotopes (e.g. Zevalin   ).
                         Plant derivatives  include the vinca alkaloids
                                                                   Bortezomid  is a proteasome inhibitor widely
                    such as vincristine which is derived from the peri-
                                                              used in the treatment of myeloma and some
                    winkle plant. It binds to tubulin and prevents its
                    polymerization to microtubules. This blocks cell

                                                                   Asparaginase  is an enzyme derived from bacte-
                    division in metaphase. Etoposide inhibits topi-
                                                              ria that breaks down the amino acid asparagine
                    somerase action.
                                                              within the circulation. ALL cells lack asparagine
                                                              synthase and thus need a supply of exogenous
                                                              asparagine for protein synthesis. Intramuscular
                        Other  a gents
                                                              asparaginase is an important agent in the treatment
                       Imatinib, dasatinib and nilotinib  bind to the   of ALL, although hypersensitivity reactions are

                    BCR - ABL1 fusion protein. They block binding   not uncommon and blood clotting may be
                    of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and thus prevent   disturbed.
                    the tyrosine kinase from phosphorylating substrate      Platinum derivatives  (e.g. cisplatin) are used in
                    proteins leading to apoptosis of the cell (see Fig.   combinations for treating lymphoma.
                     14.4   ).                                     Arsenic  is useful in treatment of acute promy-
                         Corticosteroids  have a potent lymphocytotoxic   elocytic leukaemia. It induces diff erentiation  and
                    activity and have an important role in many chemo-  apoptosis.
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