Page 194 - Essential Haematology
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180  /  Chapter 13  Acute myeloid leukaemia

                                                           CD34     Stem cells

                                               CD2        CD10
                                            cCD3          CD19              CD33
                                         CD7              cCD22                   CD117
                                        T-ALL           B-ALL                AML

                              Figure 13.1   Development of three cell lineages from pluripotential stem cells giving rise to the three main
                    immunological subclasses of acute leukaemia. The immunological characterization using pairs of markers is
                    shown, as well as the three markers characterizing the early  ‘ stem ’  cells. AML, acute myeloid leukaemia; B - ALL,
                    B - cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia; c, cytoplasmic; HLA, human leucocyte antigen; T - ALL, T - cell acute
                    lymphoblastic leukaemia; TdT, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase.

                                                              AML cases will be classified by specifi c  genetic
                         Table 13.2   Specialized tests for acute

                     myeloid leukaemia.                       subtype. Currently this is not possible but
                                                              many genetic subtypes have been determined.
                           Cytochemistry                      Approximately 60% of cases exhibit karyotypic
                         Myeloperoxidase           +  (including Auer rods)     abnormalities on cytogenetic analysis and many
                         Sudan black           +  (including Auer rods)     cases with a normal karyotype carry mutations in
                         Non - specifi c esterase          +  in M  4  , M  5        genes such as nucleophosmin ( NPM ),   FLT3   and
                                                                CEBPA  detected only by molecular methods.
                           Immunological markers (fl ow cytometry)
                                                                 Six main groups of AML are recognized (Table
                         CD13, CD33, CD117           +
                                                                13.1 ) and these are discussed below.
                         Glycophorin           +  (erythroid)
                         Platelet antigens (e.g.         +  (megakaryoblastic)       1       AML with recurrent genetic abnormalities
                      CD41)                                     encompasses subtypes with specifi c chromosomal
                         Myeloperoxidase           +  (undifferentiated)    translocations or gene mutations. Th e detection

                           Chromosome and genetic analysis  (Tables  13.1 &     of these abnormalities defines the tumour as
                     13.3)                                      AML and so the diagnostic criteria for this sub-
                                                                group are relaxed in that the bone marrow blast
                                                                cell count does not need to exceed 20% in order
                    becomes increasingly common with age with a   to make a diagnosis. In general these disorders
                    median onset of 65 years. It forms only a minor   have a good prognosis.
                    fraction (10 – 15%) of the leukaemias in childhood.      2       AML with myelodysplasia - related changes.       In
                    Cytogenetic abnormalities and response to initial   this group the AML is associated with micro-
                    treatment have a major influence on prognosis   scopic features of dysplasia in at least 50% of cells

                    (Table  13.3 ).                             in at least two lineages. The clinical outcome of
                                                                these patients is impaired in relation to the fi rst
                        Classifi cation

                                                                 3       Therapy - related  myeloid  neoplasms   ( t - AML)

                     AML is classified according to the  World Health   arise in patients who have been previously treated

                    Organization (2008) scheme. There is an increasing   with drugs such as etoposide or alkylating agents.

                    focus on the genetic abnormalities within the malig-  They commonly exhibit mutations in the  MLL
                    nant cells and it is likely that ultimately almost all   gene and the clinical response is usually poor.
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