Page 196 - Essential Haematology
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182  /  Chapter 13  Acute myeloid leukaemia



                              Figure 13.2   (a)  An orbital infection in a female patient (aged 68 years) with acute myeloid leukaemia and severe
                    neutropenia (haemoglobin 8.3   g/dL, white cells 15.3    ×   10  /L, blasts 96%, neutrophils 1%, platelets 30    ×   10  /L).

                      (b)  Acute myeloid leukaemia: top: plaque  Candida albicans  on soft palate; lower: plaque  Candida albicans  in
                    the mouth, with lesion of herpes simplex on the upper lip.  (c)  Skin infection ( Pseudomonas aeruginosa ) in a
                    female patient (aged 33 years) with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia receiving chemotherapy and with severe


                    neutropenia (haemoglobin 10.1   g/dL, white cells 0.7    ×   10  /L, neutrophils  < 0.1    ×   10  /L, lymphocytes 0.6    ×   10  /L,
                    platelets 20    ×   10  /L).

                        Cytogenetics and  m olecular  g enetics     ETO  gene on chromosome 8 and inv(16) in which

                                                              the  CBF β  gene is fused to the  SMMHC  ( MYH11 )
                      Cytogenetic abnormalities are used to classify the   gene. Both are associated with a relatively good
                    majority of cases of AML (Table  13.1 ). Two of the   prognosis.
                    most common affect the core binding factor genes      Acute promyelocytic leukaemia  is a variant of

                      CBF α  or  CBF β  (see Fig.  11.10 ). CBF is a het-  AML that contains the t(15; 17) translocation in

                    erodimeric transcription factor important in regu-  which the promyelocytic leukaemia gene  PML  on
                    lating genes such as interleukin 3 (IL - 3) and   chromosome 15 is fused to the retinoic acid recep-
                    granulocyte – macrophage colony - stimulating factor   tor  α  gene,  RAR  α , on chromosome 17 (Fig.  13.7 ).
                    (GM - CSF). They are t(8; 21) in which the  CBF α      The resultant PML - RAR α  fusion protein functions

                    gene (also known as  AML1 ) is translocated to the   as a transcriptional repressor whereas normal (wild -
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