Page 208 - Essential Haematology
P. 208

194  /  Chapter 14  Chronic myeloid leukaemia

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                            (i)                              (ii)
                    Figure 14.1  (Continued) (d)  Karyotype showing the t(9; 22) (q34; q11) translocation. The Ph chromosome is
                    arrowed.  (e)  Visualization of the Philadelphia chromosome on: (i) dividing (metaphase); and (ii) quiescent
                    (interphase) cells by fl uorescence  in situ  hybridization (FISH) analysis (ABL probe in red and BCR probe in
                    green) with fusion signals (red/green) on the Ph and der(9) chromosomes.  (Courtesy of Dr Ellie Nacheva)
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