Page 209 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 14  Chronic myeloid leukaemia  /  195

                                                                   5      Bone marrow is hypercellular with granulopoi-
                                                                  etic predominance.
                                                                   6      Presence of the  BCR - ABL1  gene fusion by PCR
                                                                  analysis and in 98% of cases Ph chromosome on
                                                                  cytogenetic analysis (Fig.  14.1 d).
                                                                   7      Serum uric acid is usually raised.

                                                                    Treatment of  c hronic  p hase
                                                                    Tyrosine  k inase  i nhibitors
                                                                 Imatinib (Glivec   ) was designed as a specifi c inhibi-
                                                                tor of the BCR - ABL1 fusion protein and blocks
                                                                tyrosine kinase activity by competing with adenos-
                                                                ine triphosphate (ATP) binding (Fig.  14.4 ). It is the
                                                                first - line drug in the management of chronic phase

                                                                disease. At 400  mg/day it can produce a complete
                                                                haematological response in virtually all patients
                                                                (Fig.   14.5 ).  Side - effects include skin rash, fl uid

                                                                retention, muscle cramps and nausea. Neutropenia
                                                                and thrombocytopenia may occur and in some
                                                                cases, dose reduction or cessation may be required.

                                                                    Monitoring of  r esponse to  i matinib
                                                                  Imatinib is highly eff ective at reducing the number
                                                                of tumour cells in the bone marrow and should be
                                                                monitored by karyotypic analysis of the bone
                                                                marrow together with PCR analysis for  BCR - ABL1

                                Figure 14.2   Chronic myeloid leukaemia: peripheral   transcripts in marrow or blood. Assessment of
                      blood fi lm showing a vast increase in buffy coat. The   response starts with regular (3 – 6 monthly) bone
                      white cell count was 532    ×   10  /L.

                                Figure 14.3   Chronic myeloid

                      leukaemia: peripheral blood fi lm
                      showing various stages of
                      granulopoiesis including
                      promyelocytes, myelocytes,
                      metamyelocytes and band and
                      segmented neutrophils.
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