Page 206 - Essential Haematology
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192  /  Chapter 14  Chronic myeloid leukaemia

                     The chronic leukaemias are distinguished from   may occur at any age. The diagnosis of CML is
                    acute leukaemias by their slower progression.   rarely difficult and is assisted by the characteristic

                    Chronic leukaemias can be broadly subdivided into   presence of the Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome.

                    myeloid (Table  14.1 ) and lymphoid groups (see   This results from the t(9; 22) (q34; q11) transloca-
                    Chapter  18   ).                          tion between chromosomes 9 and 22 as a result of
                                                              which part of the oncogene  ABL1  is moved to the
                        Chronic  m yeloid ( m yelogenous)       BCR  gene on chromosome 22 (Fig.  14.1 a) and part

                      l eukaemia  BCR - ABL 1  p ositive      of chromosome 22 moves to chromosome 9. Th e
                                                              abnormal chromosome 22 is the Ph chromosome.
                      Chronic myeloid leukaemia BCR - ABL1 +  (CML) is   In the Ph translocation 5   exons of  BCR  are fused
                    a clonal disorder of a pluripotent stem cell. Th e   to the 3   exons of  ABL1  (Fig.  14.1 b,c). Th e resulting
                    disease accounts for around 15% of leukaemias and   chimeric  BCR - ABL1  gene codes for a fusion protein

                                                              of size 210   kDa (p210). This has tyrosine kinase

                         Table 14.1   Chronic myeloid leukaemia   activity in excess of the normal 145 - kDa ABL1
                     (CML) and myelodysplastic myeloproliferative   product. The Ph translocation is also seen in a

                     neoplasms (see Chapter  16 ).
                                                              minority of cases of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
                                                              (ALL) and in some of these the breakpoint in  BCR
                           Type            Molecular genetics
                                                              occurs in the same region as in CML. However, in
                           BCR - ABL - 1           > 95%  BCR - ABL - 1  p210   other cases the breakpoint in  BCR  is further
                      rearrangement        < 5% p190 or p230     upstream, in the intron between the first and second

                      positive CML
                                                              exons, leaving only the fi rst  BCR  exon intact. Th is
                           BCR - ABL - 1         Various cytogenetic   chimeric  BCR - ABL1  gene is expressed as a p190
                      rearrangement     abnormalities         protein which, like p210, has enhanced tyrosine
                      negative CML                            kinase activity.
                         Chronic neutrophilic       Deletions of     In most patients the Ph chromosome is seen by
                      leukaemia         chromosome 20q and    karyotypic examination of tumour cells (Fig.  14.1 d)
                                        trisomy 21 or 9 in    but in a few the Ph abnormality cannot be seen
                                        some                  under the microscope but the same molecular rear-
                                                              rangement is detectable by more sensitive tech-

                         Chronic eosinophilic         FIPILI – PDGFR - α  (in
                      leukaemia         those who respond to   niques: fl uorescence   in situ  hybridization (FISH)
                                        imatinib) generated by   (Fig.  14.1 e) or polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
                                        interstitial deletion on   Ph - negative  BCR - ABL1  positive CML behaves clin-
                                        chromosome 4q12       ically like Ph - positive CML. As the Ph chromosome
                                                              is an acquired abnormality of haemopoietic
                         Chronic monocytic       Very rare
                      leukaemia                               stem cells it is found in cells of both the myeloid
                                                              (granulocytic, erythroid and megakaryocytic) and
                         Chronic             PDGFR - β  rearrangement

                                                              lymphoid (B and  T cell) lineages. Ph – , BCR -
                      myelomonocytic    in a minority who
                                                              ABL1 –  chronic myeloid leukaemia is classifi ed with
                      leukaemia         respond to imatinib
                                                              the myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative syndromes
                         Juvenile          30%  PTPN11  (encodes   (see Chapter  16   ).
                      myelomonocytic      SHP - 2 ) mutations
                      leukaemia          20%  K - RAS  or  N - RAS
                                        mutations                 Clinical  f eatures
                                         10%  NF1  mutation

                                                               This disease occurs in either sex (male  :  female ratio
                         Refractory anaemia       Somatic mutations of   of 1.4   :   1), most frequently between the ages of 40
                      with ringed         JAK2  and  MPL       and 60 years. However, it may occur in children and
                      sideroblasts and
                                                              neonates, and in the very old. In most cases there
                                                              are no predisposing factors but the incidence was
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