Page 216 - Essential Haematology
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                    Cell                              P        P               P        P
                    (i)                          (ii)                    (iii)

                       JAK2                 Activated JAK2           Growth factor

                              A T  G T T T  C T  G  A T  G T  G  T  C T  G
                                                                                     PI3K    Ras
                                                                    P         P
                              A T  G T  G T  C T  G  A T  G T  G T  C T  G
                                                                             P       Akt  ERK/MAPK
                        T cells


                                                                                Cell survival
                                                                                Cell proliferation

                       Normal cell
                       Heterozygous JAK2 mutation (V617F)
                       Homozygous JAK2 mutation (V617F)

                              Figure 15.2   The role of  JAK2  mutation in the generation of myeloproliferative diseases.  (a)  (i) Most haemopoi-

                    etic growth factor receptors do not have intrinsic kinase activity but associate with a protein kinase such as JAK2
                    in the cytoplasm. (ii) When the receptor binds a growth factor the cytoplasmic domains move closer together
                    and the JAK2 molecules can activate each other by phosphorylation. (iii) The V617F  JAK2  mutation allows the
                    JAK protein to become activated even when no growth factor is bound.  (b)  DNA sequencing shows
                    homozygous G  →  T mutation in  JAK2  in granulocytes but not in T lymphocytes (left - hand panel) and hetero-

                    zygous mutation in right - hand panel.  (After Kralovic R.  et al .  N Engl J Med  2005,  352 , 1779 – 90.)   (c)  JAK2
                    activation leads to cell survival and proliferation through activation of three major pathways; the STAT transcrip-
                    tion factors, the PI3K pathway acting through Akt and Ras activation which subsequently activate ERK and
                    MAPK. The net result is production of a diverse range of proteins that promote cell survival and proliferation.
                      (d)  A model for the development of myeloproliferative disease following  JAK2  mutation. The primary event
                    appears to predispose to an acquired heterozygous mutation of  JAK2  (V617F). This leads to a survival
                    advantage. In some patients, a mitotic recombination event leads to a homozygous  JAK2  mutation state.
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