Page 217 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 15  Myeloproliferative neoplasms  /  203

                      in a highly conserved region of the pseudokinase    Once established, absolute polycythaemia can
                      domain, which is believed to negatively regulate   then be subdivided into  primary polycythaemia
                      JAK2 signalling. JAK2 has a major role in normal   (in which the erythroid progenitor cell shows an
                      myeloid development by transducing signals from   enhanced response to cytokines) or  secondary
                      diverse cytokines and growth factors including   polycythaemia  (driven by factors outside the eryth-
                      interleukin - 3  (IL - 3),  erythropoietin,  granulocyte –  roid compartment) (Table  15.3 ).
                       macrophage colony - stimulating factor (GM - CSF),
                      granulocyte colony - stimulating factor (G - CSF) and

                      thrombopoietin (see Fig.  1.8 ). Why the same muta-      Primary  p olycythaemia
                      tion is associated with diff erent myeloproliferative   ( e rythrocytosis)

                      diseases is unclear. The exact cell in which the muta-
                      tion arises, the number of stem cells involved, the       Congenital
                      genetic background of individual subjects including
                                                                 (See below.)
                      polymorphism of the  JAK2  gene, and other factors
                      may be relevant.
                          Polycythaemia                          This is caused by the acquisition of mutations in the

                                                                  JAK2  gene leading to PV.
                       Polycythaemia is defined as an increase in the hae-

                      moglobin concentration above the upper limit of
                      normal for the patient  s age and sex.
                                                                    Polycythaemia  v era
                                                                 In PV, the increase in red cell volume is caused by

                          Classification of  p olycythaemia
                                                                a clonal malignancy of a marrow stem cell. Th e

                       Polycythaemia is classified according to its patho-  disease results from somatic mutation of a single
                      physiology but the major subdivision is into  abso-  haemopoietic stem cell which gives its progeny a
                      lute polycythaemia  or erythrocytosis, in which the   proliferative advantage. Th e Val617Phe  JAK2  muta-
                      red cell mass (volume) is raised to greater than   tion is present in haemopoietic cells in over 95% of
                      125% of that expected for body mass and gender,   patients and a mutation in exon 12 is seen in some
                      and  relative  or  pseudopolycythaemia  in which the   of the remainder. Although the increase in red cells

                      red cell volume is normal but the plasma volume is   is the diagnostic finding, in many patients there is
                      reduced. If the haematocrit is  > 0.60 then there will   also an overproduction of granulocytes and plate-
                      always be a raised red cell mass. Hb  > 18.5   g/dL or   lets. Some families have an inherited predisposition
                      haematocrit  > 0.52 in men, and Hb  > 16.5   g/dL or   to myeloproliferative disease and, interestingly,
                      haematocrit  > 0.48 in women, indicate that eryth-  although affected individuals acquire  JAK2   muta-

                      rocytosis is likely but isotope studies may be required   tions in the marrow, these are not present in the
                      (Table  15.2 ).                           germline.

                            Table 15.2   Radiodilution methods for measuring red cell and plasma volume.
                                                                           Primary or secondary         Relative
                                                     Normal          polycythaemia         polycythaemia
                            Total red cell volume (   Cr)     Men 25 – 35   mL/kg     Increased     Normal
                                                   Women 22 – 32   mL/kg
                            Total plasma volume       40 – 50   mL/kg     Normal             Decreased
                        (   I - albumin)
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