Page 312 - Essential Haematology
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298  /  Chapter 23  Stem cell transplantation

                        Principles of  s tem  c ell
                                                                   Table 23.1   Stem cell transplantation:

                      t ransplantation                         potential donors.
                     Stem cell transplantation (SCT) involves eliminat-
                                                                   HLA - matching sibling
                    ing a patient  s haemopoietic and immune system by
                    chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy and replacing it       Unrelated HLA - matching  }      Allogeneic
                    with stem cells either from another individual or   volunteer
                    with a previously harvested portion of the patient  s       Umbilical cord blood
                    own haemopoietic stem cells (Fig.  23.1 ). Th e
                                                                   Identical twin            Syngeneic
                    term encompasses  bone marrow transplantation
                    (BMT), in which stem cells are collected from       Self                 Autologous
                    bone marrow,  peripheral blood stem cell  (PBSC)
                    transplantation  and umbilical cord stem cell         HLA, human leucocyte antigen.
                       SCT may be  syngeneic  (from an identical twin),
                      allogeneic  (from another person) or  autologous        Table 23.2   Stem cell transplantation:

                    (from the patient  s own stem cells) (Table  23.1 ).       indications.
                       The principal diseases for which SCT is per-

                    formed are listed in Table  23.2 . However, the exact         Allogeneic (or
                    role of SCT in the management of each disease is   syngeneic)       Autologous
                    complex and depends on factors such as disease       Acute lymphoblastic or       Hodgkin lymphoma
                    severity and subtype, remission status, age and, for   myeloid leukaemia.   and non - Hodgkin
                    allogeneic transplantation, availability of a donor.       Other malignant   lymphoma, multiple
                                                                disorders of the   myeloma, AML,
                                                                marrow (e.g. chronic   primary amyloidosis
                        Collection of  s tem  c ells            myeloid leukaemia,
                     Stem cells can be collected from the peripheral
                                                                multiple myeloma,
                    blood, bone marrow or umbilical cord blood.
                                                                lymphoma, severe
                                                                aplastic anaemia
                        Peripheral  b lood  s tem  c ell  c ollection   including Fanconi ’ s
                      PBSCs are taken using a cell - separator machine
                                                                   Inherited disorders:
                    connected to the patient or donor via peripheral
                                                                thalassaemia major,
                    cannulae (Fig.  23.2 ). Blood is taken through one   sickle cell anaemia,
                    cannula and pumped around the machine where   immune defi ciencies,
                    mononuclear cells are collected by centrifugation   inborn errors of
                    before the red cells are returned to the patient. Th is   metabolism in the
                    continuous process may take a few hours before   haemopoietic and
                    enough mononuclear cells are collected.       mesenchymal system
                        Peripheral blood normally contains too few hae-  (e.g. osteopetrosis)
                    mopoietic stem cells to allow collection of suffi  cient     Other acquired severe
                                                                marrow diseases (e.g.
                    numbers for transplantation. Chemotherapy and
                                                                paroxysmal nocturnal
                    growth factors can each increase the number by
                                                                haemoglobinuria, red
                    around 10 – 100 times. Chemotherapy is used in
                                                                cell aplasia,
                    patients undergoing autologous stem cell collection   myelofi brosis)
                    but not in healthy donors. PBSCs are usually col-
                    lected during the recovery phase from a cycle of
                                                                     AML, acute myeloid leukaemia.
                    chemotherapy (e.g. 1.5  g/m   cyclophosphamide). In
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