Page 310 - Essential Haematology
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296  /  Chapter 22  Aplastic anaemia and bone marrow failure

                    present. CDA1 is associated with somatic abnor-  not the patient  s serum. The basic lesion in HEMPAS

                    malities. It is caused by mutation of the gene  is a mutation of the gene  SEC23B  at 20q coding
                      CDAN1  or chromosome 15q15 active during the S  for a protein involved in synthesis of endoplasmic
                    phase of the cell cycle. Type II is known as HEMPAS,  reticulum derived vesicles destined for the Golgi
                      h ereditary  e rythroblast  m ultinuclearity with a  p osi-  compartment.  α  - Interferon has induced remission
                    tive  a cidifi ed  s erum lysis test, with some sera but  in some cases.

                 SUMMARY             ■   Aplastic anaemia presents as pancytopenia         ■    Red cell aplasia causes anaemia with

                                                                normal white cell and platelet counts. It
                        (subnormal haemoglobin, neutrophils and
                                                                may be transient, usually caused by
                        platelets) associated with a hypoplastic
                                                                parvovirus infection, or chronic. This may
                        bone marrow.
                                                                be congenital (Diamond – Blackfan) or

                            ■    Aplastic anaemia may be congenital
                                                                acquired associated with, e.g. systemic
                        (Fanconi) or acquired (idiopathic or due to
                                                                lupus erythematosus, lymphoma or chronic
                        drugs, viral infection or toxins).
                                                                lymphocytic leukaemia.
                            ■    Fanconi anaemia is autosomal recessive,

                        associated with congenital skeletal, skin or         ■    Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemias are
                        renal abnormalities. It is caused by    a group of rare inherited disorders of
                        inherited mutations of genes involved in   erythropoiesis.
                        DNA repair.

                            ■    Acquired aplastic anaemia is treated with
                        immunosuppressive drugs (e.g.
                        antilymphocyte globulin, ciclosporin or by
                        stem cell transplantation.
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