Page 305 - Essential Haematology
P. 305

Chapter 22  Aplastic anaemia and bone marrow failure  /  291

                           Cells from patients with Fanconi  s anaemia (FA)      Dyskeratosis congenita (DC)  is a rare sex -
                      show an abnormally high frequency of spontaneous   linked disorder with nail and skin atrophy, aplastic
                      chromosomal breakage and the diagnostic test is  anaemia and a high risk of cancer. It is associated
                      elevated breakage after incubation of peripheral  with mutations in the  DKC1  (dyskerin) or  TERC
                      blood lymphocytes with the DNA cross - linking  (telomerase reverse transcriptase RNA template)
                      agent diepoxybutane (DEB test).           genes which are both involved in the maintenance
                          The usual age of presentation of FA is 5 – 10  of telomere length.

                      years. Approximately 10% of patients develop acute     Other inherited bone marrow failure syndromes
                      myeloid leukaemia.  Treatment is usually with  include Diamond – Blackfan anaemia (DBA),    (see p.

                      androgens and/or SCT. The blood count usually  294)   ,  Shwachman – Diamond  syndrome  (SDS),
                      improves with androgens but side - eff ects, especially  (see  p.  295),     severe  congenital  neutropenia     (see
                      in children, are distressing (virilization and liver  p.  119),     amegakaryocytic  thrombocytopenia     (see
                      abnormalities); remission rarely lasts more than 2  p. 333)    and thrombocytopenia with absent radii
                      years. SCT may cure the patient. Because of the  (see p. 333)   . In DC, DBA and SDS there are
                      sensitivity of the patient  s cells to DNA damage,  defects in ribosomal biosynthesis and function
                      conditioning regimens are mild.           (Fig.  22.3 ).

                                                     Ribosomal DNA
                                                                                  RPS19, RPS24,
                                                                                  RPS17, RPS7
                                                       45S rRNA
                                                                                  RPL5, RPL11
                                                                                  5q– syndrome
                                            30S                 32S               SDS

                                   Nucleus  18S         5.8S        28S              5S

                                     40S subunit
                                                      80S subunit     60S subunit

                                Figure 22.3   Schematic showing scheme of rRNA processing in human cells and the points at which this is

                      possibly disrupted in the different bone marrow failure syndromes. The ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) are transcribed
                      by RNA polymerase I as a single precursor transcript (45S rRNA). The 45S rRNA is then processed to 18S, 5.8S
                      and 28S rRNAs. The 18S is a component of the 40S ribosomal subunit. The 5.8S and 28S together with 5S
                      (synthesized independently) are components of the 60S ribosomal subunit. The 40S and 60S subunits are
                      assembled to form the 80S ribosomes. The processing steps affected in Diamond – Blackfan anaemia (due to
                      heterozygous mutations in  RPS19, RPS17 ,  RPS24 ,  RPS7 ,  RPL35a ,  RPL5 ,  RPL11 ), 5q - syndrome (haploinsuffi -
                      ciency of  RPS14 ) and Shwachman – Diamond syndrome (biallelic mutations in  SBDS ) are indicated by the
                      different coloured stars. DBA, Diamond Blackfan anaemia; SDS, Shwachman – Diamond syndrome; S, sedimen-
                      tation coeffi cient.
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