Page 303 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 22  Aplastic anaemia and bone marrow failure  /  289

                          Pancytopenia                              Pathogenesis
                       Pancytopenia is a reduction in the blood count of   Th  e underlying defect in all cases appears to be a
                      all the major cell lines  –  red cells, white cells and  substantial reduction in the number of haemopoi-
                      platelets. It has several causes (Table  22.1 ) which  etic pluripotential stem cells, and a fault in the
                      can be broadly divided into decreased bone marrow  remaining stem cells or an immune reaction against
                      production or increased peripheral destruction.         them, which makes them unable to divide and dif-
                                                                ferentiate sufficiently to populate the bone marrow

                                                                (Fig.  22.1 ). A primary fault in the marrow micro-
                          Aplastic  a naemia
                                                                environment has also been suggested but the success
                        Aplastic (hypoplastic) anaemia is defined as pancy-  of stem cell transplantation (SCT) shows this can

                      topenia resulting from aplasia of the bone marrow.  only be a rare cause because normal donor stem cells
                      It is classifi ed into primary (congenital or acquired)  are usually able to thrive in the recipient ’ s marrow
                      or secondary types (Table  22.2 ).        cavity.


                            Table 22.1   Causes of pancytopenia.    The Fanconi type has an autosomal recessive pattern

                                                                of inheritance and is often associated with growth
                              Decreased bone marrow function
                                                                retardation and congenital defects of the skeleton
                                                                (e.g. microcephaly, absent radii or thumbs), of the
                            Acute leukaemia, myelodysplasia, myeloma
                                                                renal tract (e.g. pelvic or horseshoe kidney) (Fig.
                            Infi ltration with lymphoma, solid tumours,    22.2 ) or skin (areas of hyper -  and hypopigmenta-
                                                                tion); sometimes there is mental retardation. Th e
                            Megaloblastic anaemia

                                                                syndrome is genetically heterogeneous with 13  dif-
                            Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
                                                                ferent genes involved, A, B, C, D1, D2, E, F, G, I,
                            Myelofi brosis
                                                                J, L, M and N in different families. Th e encoded

                            Haemophagocytic syndrome
                                                                proteins cooperate in a common cellular pathway
                              Increased peripheral destruction
                                                                which results in ubiquitination of FANCD2, which
                                                                protects cells against genetic damage.

                            Table 22.2   Causes of aplastic anaemia.
                              Primary             Secondary
                            Congenital (Fanconi and         Ionizing radiation : Accidental exposure (radiotherapy, radioactive
                        non - Fanconi types)    isotopes, nuclear power stations)
                            Idiopathic acquired       Chemicals : Benzene, organophosphates and other organic solvents, DDT
                                               and other pesticides, organochlorines, recreational drugs (ecstasy)
                                                    Drugs : Those that regularly cause marrow depression (e.g. busulfan,
                                               melphalan, cyclophosphamide, anthracyclines, nitrosoureas).
                                                  Those that occasionally or rarely cause marrow depression (e.g.
                                               chloramphenicol, sulphonamides, gold, anti - infl ammatory, antithyroid,
                                               psychotropic, anticonvulsant/antidepressant drugs)
                                                    Viruses : Viral hepatitis (non - A, non - B, non - C, in most cases), EBV

                              EBV, Epstein – Barr virus.
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