Page 301 - Essential Haematology
P. 301

Chapter 21  Multiple myeloma and related disorders  /  287

                              ■   In patients younger than 70 years,         ■    Amyloidoses  are caused by extracellular
                           myeloma is usually treated by intensive   deposition of protein in an abnormal
                           chemotherapy followed by an autologous   fi brillar form. Systemic AL amyloid disease
                           stem cell transplant using stem cells   is caused by monoclonal light chains
                           harvested from the patient.             produced from a clonal plasma cell

                              ■    In older patients chemotherapy alone is   proliferation and may cause heart failure,
                           used. However, in both age groups the   macroglossia, peripheral neuropathy or
                           disease is virtually never cured. New drugs   renal failure.

                           such as thalidomide, bortezomib and         ■    Hyperviscosity syndrome  may occur in
                           lenalidomide are improving the outlook for   paraproteinaemia or in patients with very
                           patients and average survival is now 4 – 5   high red or white cell counts. Clinical
                           years.                                  features include visual disturbances,

                              ■    A  plasmacytoma  is a localized mass of   confusion and heart failure. Venesection,
                           malignant plasma cells and is usually   plasma exchange or chemotherapy may
                           treated with radiotherapy. Many cases   be required.
                           progress to myeloma.
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