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Chapter 21  Multiple myeloma and related disorders  /  283


                                                             Percentage alive  60

                                Figure 21.9   Survival of patients with   40

                      monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
                      signifi cance (MGUS) (n    =   1384) is reduced   Observed

                      compared to the control population;
                      median 8.1  vs . 11.8 years, respectively
                                                                 0    5    10  15   20   25   30   35
                      ( p   <  0.001). (Reproduced from Kyle R.A.      Time from diagnosis of MGUS (years)
                        et al.  (2009)  Haematologica   94 : 1714.)

                            Table 21.5   Classifi cation of amyloidosis: types, structure and organ involvement.
                              Type                             Chemical nature       Organs involved
                              Systemic AL amyloidosis
                            Associated with myeloma, Waldenstr ö m ’ s       Immunoglobulin light       Tongue
                        macroglobulinaemia or MGUS          chains (AL)         Skin
                          May also occur on its own as primary                  Heart
                        amyloidosis (associated with an occult                  Nerves
                        plasma cell proliferation)                              Connective tissue
                          May also occur in localized form with local           Kidneys
                          ‘ immunocyte ’  proliferation                         Liver
                              Reactive systemic AA amyloidosis
                            Rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis,       Protein A (AA)     Liver
                        bronchiectasis, chronic osteomyelitis,                  Spleen
                        infl ammatory bowel disease, Hodgkin                     Kidneys
                        lymphoma, carcinomas, familial                          Bone marrow
                        Mediterranean fever

                              Familial amyloidosis           e.g. Transthyretin       Nerves
                                                            abnormalities       Heart
                              Localized amyloidosis
                            Central nervous system               β - Amyloid protein       Alzheimer ’ s disease

                          Endocrine                          Peptic hormones     Endocrine tumours
                          Senile                             Various            Heart, brain, joints, prostate, etc.

                              AA, AL, these are defi ned by their chemical nature as in the table; MGUS, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
                        signifi cance.
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