Page 295 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 21  Multiple myeloma and related disorders  /  281

                                       Table 21.3   The chemical structure of immune modulator drugs.

                                                O   O
                                                         N               Side effects
                                                 N           O            Constipation
                                                O        H               Lenalidomide
                                                                         Side effects
                                                 N           O            Myelosuppression
                                                                          Skin rash
                                         NH 2

                                                O        H               Pomalidomide
                                                                         Side effects
                                                 N           O            Myelosuppression
                                         NH 2
                                       DVT, deep vein thrombosis.

                          Support  c are                        essential. Prophylactic infusions of immunoglobu-
                                                                lin concentrates together with oral broad - spectrum
                         Renal failure  Rehydrate and treat the underlying
                                                                antibiotics and antifungal agents may be needed for
                      cause (e.g. hypercalcaemia, hyperuricaemia).
                                                                recurrent infections.
                      Dialysis is generally well tolerated. It is important

                      that all patients with myeloma drink at least 3  L of

                      fluid each day throughout the course of their
                      disease.                                   An international prognostic index has been used
                         Bone disease and hypercalcaemia  Bisphosphonates   based on serum  β   2   - microglobulin  ( β   2  M)  and
                      such as pamidronate, clodronate or zoledronic acid   albumin levels. Patients with serum  β   2 M  > 5.5   mg/L

                      are effective in reducing the progression of bone   and an albumin  < 35  g/L have a poor survival as do

                      disease and may also improve overall survival. Acute   those with frequent circulating plasma cells. Overall,
                      hypercalcaemia is treated with rehydration with iso-  the median survival with non - intensive chemother-
                      tonic saline, a diuretic and corticosteroids followed   apy is 3 – 4 years and this is improved by approxi-
                      by a biphosphonate.                       mately 1 – 2 years with autologous transplantation.
                         Compression paraplegia  Use decompression lami-
                      nectomy or irradiation; corticosteroid therapy may       Other  p lasma  c ell  t umours
                         Anaemia Transfusion or erythropoietin are used.

                                                                    Solitary  p lasmacytoma
                         Bleeding  Bleeding caused by paraprotein interfer-

                      ence with coagulation and hyperviscosity syndrome    These are isolated plasma cell tumours, usually of
                      may be treated by repeated plasmapheresis.   bone or soft tissue (e.g. the mucosa of the upper
                         Infections  Rapid treatment of any infection is   respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts or the skin).
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