Page 296 - Essential Haematology
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282  /  Chapter 21  Multiple myeloma and related disorders

                    The associated paraprotein disappears following  cells in the marrow is normal ( < 4%) or only slightly

                    radiotherapy to the primary lesion.       raised ( < 10%) (Table  21.4 ). The concentration of
                                                              monoclonal immunoglobulin in serum is less than

                                                              30  g/L and other serum immunoglobulins are not
                        Plasma  c ell  l eukaemia
                                                              depressed. Th e   κ  or  λ  light chain is increased in
                     This rare disease is characterized by a high number  serum in one - third of patients; the greater the imbal-

                    of circulating malignant plasma cells. Th e clinical  ance, the more the risk of transformation. No treat-
                    features tend to be a combination of those found in  ment is needed but patients with MGUS develop
                    acute leukaemia (pancytopenia and organomegaly)  overt myeloma or lymphoma at a rate of approxi-
                    with features of myeloma (hypercalcaemia, renal  mately 1% each year and so are usually followed up

                    involvement and bone disease). Treatment is with  regularly in the outpatient clinic. The survival of
                    supportive care and systemic chemotherapy but  patients with MGUS is reduced compared with
                    prognosis is poor.                        control populations and this effect increases with

                                                              duration of follow - up and age (Fig.  21.9 ).

                        Heavy - c hain  d isease

                     These are now classified with non - Hodgkin lym-
                    phoma (see p. 267)  .                      The amyloidoses are a heterogeneous group of dis-

                                                              orders characterized by the extracellular deposition

                        Monoclonal  g ammopathy of            of protein in an abnormal fibrillar form (Table
                      u ndetermined  s ignifi cance              21.5 ). Amyloidosis may be hereditary or acquired
                                                              and deposits may be focal, localized or systemic in
                      Transient or persistent paraproteins can occur in  distribution. Th  e amyloid is made from diff erent
                    many other conditions as well as in multiple  amyloid fi bril precursor proteins in each type of
                    myeloma (Table  21.1 ). A serum paraprotein may be  disease. Except for intracerebral amyloid plaques, all
                    sometimes be detected without any evidence of  amyloid deposits contain a non - fi brillary glycopro-
                    myeloma or other underlying disease and is termed  tein amyloid P which is derived from a normal
                      monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined sig-  serum precursor structurally related to C - reactive
                    nifi cance (MGUS) . It is increasingly common with  protein (CRP). Th  e classic diagnostic histological
                    age, being present in 1% of persons older than 50  test is red – green birefringence after staining with

                    years and 3% of those over 70 years. There are no  Congo red and viewing under polarized light
                    clinical complications and the proportion of plasma  (Fig.  21.10 ).
                         Table 21.4   Features of benign and malignant paraproteinaemia.

                                                           Benign                   Malignant
                         Bence - Jones proteinuria       Absent                   May be present

                         Serum paraprotein concentration         Usually  < 30   g/L and stationary   Usually  > 30   g/L and rising
                         Serum free light chain ratio     Normal                  Abnormal
                         Immuneparesis                     Absent                 Present
                         Underlying lymphoproliferative disease or       Absent     Present
                         Bone lesions                    Absent                   Present
                         Plasma cells in marrow              < 10%                  > 10%
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