Page 298 - Essential Haematology
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284  /  Chapter 21  Multiple myeloma and related disorders


                                                                                      Figure 21.10   Amyloidosis:
                                                                              (a)  Congo red staining and
                                                                              (b)  blue – green birefringence
                    (b)                                                     under polarized light.

                        Systemic AL  a myloidosis             ropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome or renal failure. A
                                                              serum amyloid P (SAP) scan (Fig.  21.12 ) is used to
                      Systemic amyloid light chain (AL) amyloid disease   determine the extent and severity of disease.
                    is caused by deposition of monoclonal light chains   Treatment is with chemotherapy similar to that
                    produced from a clonal plasma cell proliferation.   used in myeloma, possibly with autologous SCT,

                    The level of paraprotein may be very low and is not   which may improve prognosis.
                    always detectable in serum or urine but the serum
                    free light chain ratio is usually abnormal (Fig.  21.4 ).
                    The clinical features are caused by involvement of       Hyperviscosity  s yndrome

                    the heart, tongue (Fig.  21.11 ), peripheral nerves
                    and kidneys (Fig.  21.7 ), and the patient may present   Th  e most common cause is polycythaemia (see  p.
                    with heart failure, macroglossia, peripheral neu-  204 ) . Hyperviscosity may also occur in patients
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