Page 299 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 21  Multiple myeloma and related disorders  /  285

                                                                with myeloma or Waldenstr ö m ’ s macroglobulinae-
                                                                mia or in patients with chronic myeloid or acute
                                                                leukaemias associated with very high white cell

                                                                    The clinical features of the hyperviscosity
                                                                syndrome include visual disturbances, lethargy,
                                                                confusion, muscle weakness, nervous system symp-
                                                                toms and signs, and congestive heart failure. Th e
                                                                retina may show a variety of changes: engorged
                                                                veins, haemorrhages, exudates and a blurred disc
                                                                (Fig.  21.13 ).
                                                                     Emergency treatment varies with the cause:

                                Figure 21.11   Multiple myeloma: the tongue and lips   venesection or isovolaemic exchange with a plasma

                      are enlarged because of nodular and waxy deposits   substitute for red cells in a polycythaemic patient;
                      of amyloid.

                                Figure 21.12   Serial anterior

                      whole body    I - labelled serum
                      amyloid P component (SAP)
                      scans of a 52 - year - old woman
                      who presented with renal failure
                      resulting from systemic AL
                      amyloidosis.  (a)  The initial scan
                      demonstrates a large amyloid
                      load with hepatic, splenic, renal
                      and bone marrow deposits. The
                      underlying plasma cell dyscrasia
                      responded to high - dose melpha-
                      lan followed by autologous stem
                      cell rescue.  (b)  Follow - up SAP
                      scintigraphy 3 years after
                      chemotherapy showed greatly
                      reduced uptake of tracer
                      indicating substantial regression
                      of her amyloid deposits.  (Courtesy
                      of Professor P.N. Hawkins,
                      National Amyloidosis Centre,
                      Royal Free Hospital, London.)       (a)                 (b)
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