Page 300 - Essential Haematology
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286  /  Chapter 21  Multiple myeloma and related disorders

                    (a)                                       (b)
                              Figure 21.13   Hyperviscosity syndrome in Waldenstr ö m ’ s macroglobulinaemia.  (a)  The retina before

                    plasmapheresis shows distension of retinal vessels, particularly the veins which show bulging and constriction
                    (the  ‘ linked sausage ’  effect) and areas of haemorrhage;  (b)  following plasmapheresis the vessels have returned
                    to normal and the areas of haemorrhage have cleared.

                    plasmapheresis in myeloma, Waldenstr ö m ’ s disease  white cell counts. The long - term treatment depends

                    or hyperfibrinogenaemia; and leucopheresis or  on control of the primary disease with specifi c

                    chemotherapy in leukaemias associated with high  therapy.

                 SUMMARY             ■   The term  paraproteinaemia  refers to the         ■    Almost all cases of myeloma develop from

                                                                a pre - existing  monoclonal gammopathy of
                        presence of a monoclonal immunoglobulin
                                                                undetermined signifi cance (MGUS)  in
                        band in serum and refl ects the synthesis of
                                                                which there is low level paraprotein and no
                        immunoglobulin from a single clone of
                                                                evidence of tissue damage. Approximately
                        plasma cells.
                                                                1% of cases progress to myeloma each

                            ■    Multiple myeloma (myelomatosis) is a

                        tumour of plasma cells that accumulate in

                        the bone marrow, release a paraprotein

                                                                tissue damage in myeloma is  CRAB   –
                        and cause tissue damage. The disease
                                                                hyper c alaemia,  r enal impairment,  a naemia,
                        has a peak incidence in the seventh         ■    A useful reminder for the spectrum of
                        decade.                                   b one disease.
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