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278  /  Chapter 21  Multiple myeloma and related disorders

                       phatase is normal (except following pathologi-  markedly reduced, peripheral blood stem cells are
                       cal fractures).                        usually collected after mobilization using a combi-

                        9      The serum creatinine is raised in 20% of cases.  nation of chemotherapy and granulocyte colony -
                       Proteinaceous deposits from heavy light chain   stimulating factor (G - CSF). High - dose melphalan,
                       proteinuria, hypercalcaemia, uric acid, amyloid  with or without radiotherapy, is the typical condi-
                       and pyelonephritis may all contribute to renal  tioning regimen for autologous SCT. Two consecu-
                       failure (Fig.  21.7 ).                 tive SCT procedures are used in some centres.
                       10      A low serum albumin occurs with advanced  Maintenance treatment after autologous SCT with
                       disease.                               thalidomide, lenalidomide, bortezomib and other
                       11      Serum  β   2   - microglobulin is often raised and is a  drugs is under trial as are protocols that omit SCT
                       useful indicator of prognosis. Levels less than  altogether.
                       3.5   mg/L imply a relatively good prognosis,    Although   allogeneic transplantation  may cure
                       above 5.5   mg/L bad.                  the disease it carries a high procedure - related mor-
                       12      Cytogenetic analysis shows that approximately  tality and patients frequently relapse after the
                       half the tumours have an increased number of  procedure.
                       chromosomes ( hyperdiploid ) whereas non -     Non - intensive  therapy  In elderly patients
                         hyperdiploid cases have a high incidence of  courses of the oral alkylating agent melphalan
                       translocations involving the immunoglobulin  usually in combination with prednisolone, thali-
                       heavy - chain  gene  ( IGH ).  The  D - cyclin  genes,  domide or bortezomib are eff ective in reducing

                       D  1  , D  2   or D  3  , are often involved in the translo-  the tumour burden.  Typically, paraprotein levels
                       cations. Monoallelic loss of 13q is frequent in  gradually fall, bone lesions show improvement and
                       both categories and all these genetic abnormali-  blood counts may improve. Cyclophosphamide is
                       ties may also be seen in MGUS (see  p. 282 )  .         also effective and simple to use as a single agent.

                                                              However, after a variable number of courses a
                                                                ‘ plateau phase ’  is reached in which the paraprotein
                                                              level stops falling. At this point treatment is stopped

                     This may be divided into specific and supportive  and the patient is seen at regular intervals in the

                    (Fig.  21.8 ).                            outpatient clinic. After a variable period of time,
                                                              often around 18 months, the disease   escapes ’  from
                                                              plateau with rising paraprotein and worsening
                        Specifi c
                                                              symptoms. Further chemotherapy may be given
                      At the current time the disease remains incurable  although the disease becomes increasingly diffi  cult
                    except for those very few, mostly younger, patients  to control.
                    who may be cured by allogeneic stem cell transplan-
                    tation (SCT). For all other patients the major treat-      Notes on  s pecifi c  d rugs  u sed in  m yeloma

                    ment decision is between the use of  intensive    Th alidomide  is useful in first - line therapy and also
                    therapy  (mostly for patients aged less than 65 – 70  in the management of relapsed disease. Its precise
                    years) and  non - intensive therapy  for older patients.  mechanism of action is unknown and it has a

                         Intensive therapy  involves the combination of  number of side - effects such as sedation, constipa-
                    4 – 6 courses of chemotherapy to reduce the tumour  tion, neuropathy and thrombosis (Table  21.3 ). Th e
                    burden usually followed by stem cell collection and  addition of dexamethasone increases the response
                    autologous SCT after high - dose chemotherapy.  rate but venous thrombosis becomes a major
                    Repeated intravenous or oral chemotherapy cycles  concern. Prophylactic anticoagulation with heparin,
                    use drugs such as cyclophosphamide, dexametha-  warfarin or aspirin is needed when thalidomide is
                    sone and thalidomide (CDT), lenalidomide,  used in induction regimens.
                    dexamethasone, Adriamycin or the proteasome      Lenalidomide  is an analogue of thalidomide
                    inhibitor, bortezomib. After several courses of treat-  and is highly active in the management of myeloma.
                    ment, when the number of tumour cells has been  It is widely used for relapsed disease and is being
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