Page 288 - Essential Haematology
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274  /  Chapter 21  Multiple myeloma and related disorders

                                                              disease). Also, amyloid, hyperviscosity and recur-
                                                              rent infection may also be present.
                                                                  Asymptomatic (smouldering) myeloma is diag-
                                                              nosed if there is an M protein in serum at myeloma
                     Absorbance                               levels ( > 30  g/L) and/or 10% or more of clonal

                                                              plasma cells in the marrow but no related organ or
                                                              tissue impairment (e.g. CRAB or myeloma - related

                                                                  Clinical  f eatures
                                        β     γ        Origin
                             Alb α 1  α 2
                                  Distance from origin             1   Bone pain (especially backache) resulting from

                          Patient with multiple myeloma  Normal  vertebral collapse and pathological fractures
                          IgGκ monoclonal protein 38 g/L  pattern
                                                                (Fig.  21.3 a,b).
                                                                 2      Features of anaemia, e.g. lethargy, weakness, dys-

                              Figure 21.1   Serum protein electrophoresis in multiple   pnoea, pallor, tachycardia.
                    myeloma showing an abnormal paraprotein in the
                                                                 3      Recurrent  infections:  related  to  defi cient  anti-
                      γ - globulin region with reduced levels of background

                                                                body production, abnormal cell - mediated immu-

                      β -  and  γ - globulins.
                                                                nity and neutropenia.


                                                                       Figure 21.2   (a)  The bone marrow in multiple myeloma

                                                             showing large numbers of plasma cells, with many
                                                             abnormal forms.  (b)  Low power view showing sheets
                                                             of plasma cells replacing normal haemopoietic tissue.
                                                               (c)  Immunohistochemical staining of the bone marrow
                                                             in myeloma with antibody to CD138 revealing
                    (c)                                      extensive numbers of plasma cells.
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