Page 286 - Essential Haematology
P. 286


                                    Multiple  m yeloma

                                    and  r elated

                                      d isorders

                                                                      Key topics

                                              ■   Paraproteinaemia                     273

                                         ■   Multiple myeloma                          273

                                         ■   Other plasma cell tumours                 281
                                         ■   Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined

                                      signifi cance                                     282

                                         ■   Amyloidosis                               282

                                         ■   Hyperviscosity syndrome                   284

                                    Essential Haematology, 6th Edition. © A. V. Hoffbrand and P. A. H. Moss. Published 2011 by Blackwell
                                    Publishing Ltd.
   281   282   283   284   285   286   287   288   289   290   291