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Chapter 21  Multiple myeloma and related disorders  /  273

                          Paraproteinaemia                      (MGUS; see below). Other plasma cell neoplasms
                                                                are listed in Table  21.2 .
                       This is the presence of a monoclonal immunoglobu-

                                                                    The myeloma cell is a post - germinal centre

                      lin band in the serum. Normally, serum immuno-
                                                                plasma cell that has undergone immunoglobulin
                      globulins are polyclonal and represent the combined
                                                                class switching and somatic hypermutation and

                      output from millions of different plasma cells. A
                                                                secretes the paraprotein that is present in serum.
                      monoclonal  band  (M - protein),  or   paraprotein ,
                                                                Immunoglobulin heavy and light chain genes are

                      reflects the synthesis of immunoglobulin from a
                                                                clonally rearranged. Plasma cells naturally home to
                      single clone of plasma cells. This may occur as a

                                                                the bone marrow and this characteristic is retained
                      primary neoplastic disease or secondary to an

                                                                by the tumour cell. The aetiology of the disease is
                      underlying benign or neoplastic disease aff ecting
                                                                unknown but it is more common in certain racial
                      the immune system (Table  21.1 ).
                                                                groups such as black individuals. Tumour cells accu-
                                                                mulate complex genetic changes but dysregulated
                          Multiple  m yeloma                    or increased expression of cyclin D (see  p. 278 )  is

                                                                believed to be an early unifying event.
                       Multiple myeloma (myelomatosis) is a neoplastic
                      disease characterized by plasma cell accumulation

                      in the bone marrow, the presence of monoclonal   Diagnosis
                      protein in the serum and/or urine and, in sympto-
                                                                  Symptomatic myeloma is diagnosed if there is:
                      matic patients, related tissue damage. Ninety -
                      eight per cent of cases occur over the age of 40 years    1      Monoclonal protein in serum and/or urine
                      with a peak incidence in the seventh decade.   (Fig.  21.1 )
                      The term asymptomatic (smouldering) multiple    2      Increased clonal plasma cells in the bone marrow

                      myeloma is used for cases with similar laboratory   (Fig.  21.2 ) and
                      findings but no organ or tissue damage. Retrospective    3      Related organ or tissue impairment.

                      analysis of serum samples has shown that almost all
                                                                  A useful acronym for tissue damage is CRAB
                      cases of myeloma develop from a pre - existing mono-
                                                                (hypercalaemia, renal impairment, anaemia, bone
                      clonal gammopathy of undetermined signifi cance
                                                                      Table 21.2   Plasma cell neoplasms (WHO,

                            Table 21.1   Diseases associated with   2008).
                        monoclonal immunoglobulins.
                                                                        Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
                              Neoplastic                          signifi cance (MGUS)
                            Multiple myeloma
                                                                      Plasma cell myeloma
                            Solitary plasmacytoma
                            Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
                                                                        Asymptomatic (smouldering) myeloma
                        signifi cance (MGUS)
                                                                        Non - secretory myeloma
                            Waldenstr ö m macroglobulinaemia
                                                                        Plasma cell leukaemia
                            Non - Hodgkin lymphoma
                            Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia             Plasmacytoma
                            Primary amyloidosis                     Solitary plasmacytoma of bone
                            Heavy - chain disease                   Extraosseous (extramedullary) plasmacytoma
                                                                      Immunoglobulin deposition diseases
                                                                    Primary amyloidosis
                            Chronic cold haemagglutinin disease
                                                                    Systemic light and heavy chain deposition
                            Transient (e.g. with infections)
                            HIV infection
                            Gaucher ’ s disease                       Osteosclerotic myeloma (POEMS syndrome)
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