Page 282 - Essential Haematology
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268  /  Chapter 20  Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

                    (a)                        (b)                        (c)

                              Figure 20.16   AIDS, cerebral lymphoma; MRI.  (a)  T2 weighted magnetic resonance brain scan showing
                    heterogeneous mass and adjacent oedema in right inferior frontoparietal region. There is compression of the
                    right lateral ventricle and displacement of midline structures. Biopsy showed diffuse large B - cell lymphoma.  (b)
                    The mass enhances after intravenous gadolinium injection.  (c)  Enhanced image after chemotherapy showing
                    regression of the mass.  (Courtesy of the Department of Radiology, Royal Free Hospital, London.)

                    noblastic, anaplastic (Fig.  20.4 ). The most common  often used. Reduced intensity allogeneic SCT has

                    cytogenetic changes involve the  BCL - 6  gene at  also been shown to be effective For those with

                    chromosome 3q27; and translocation of the  BCL - 2   primary refractory or chemoresistant disease the
                    gene, occurs in 20%.                      outlook is poor. Overall long - term survival is
                       The mainstay of treatment is rituximab in com-  approximately 65%.

                    bination with the CHOP chemotherapy regimen
                    (cyclophosphomide, hyroxodaunorubicin, vincris-      Burkitt  l ymphoma
                    tine (Oncovin) and prednisolone) and these are
                    given in 2 -  or 3 - weekly cycles, typically for six to   Burkitt lymphoma occurs in endemic or sporadic
                    eight courses. Granulocyte colony - stimulating  forms. Endemic (African) Burkitt lymphoma is seen
                    factor (G - CSF) injections are often used to support  in areas with chronic malaria exposure and is associ-
                    the neutrophil count. For localized disease, com-  ated with Epstein – Barr virus (EBV) infection. In
                    bined radiotherapy and chemotherapy (e.g. three  virtually all cases the  MYC  oncogene is overex-
                    courses of R - CHOP) may be optimal. Prophylactic  pressed because it is translocated to an immu-
                    therapy to prevent CNS disease, such as intrathecal  noglobulin gene, usually the heavy - chain locus t(8;

                    or high - dose systemic methotrexate, should be con-  14) (see Fig.  11.11 ) . As a result, expression of the
                    sidered for patients with high - risk disease, particu-    MYC  gene is deregulated and the gene is expressed
                    larly those with bone marrow involvement. Th e  in parts of the cell cycle during which it should
                    response to treatment should be monitored by  normally be switched off .
                    repeat CT or PET - CT scans midway through     Typically the patient, usually a child, presents
                    chemotherapy and then following completion. For  with massive lymphadenopathy, often of the jaw
                    patients who relapse, high - dose chemotherapy with  (Fig.  20.17 ), which is initially very responsive to
                    drug regimens such as ESHAP (etoposide, cytosine  chemotherapy although long - term cure is uncom-
                    arabinoside, methylprednisolone and cisplatin) or  mon. Sporadic Burkitt lymphoma may occur any-
                    R - ICE (rituximab, ifosfamide, carboplatin and  where in the world and EBV infection is seen in

                    etoposide) can be effective. In those patients who  20% of cases. There is an increased incidence in

                    respond to these treatments, autologous SCT is  HIV infection. The histological picture is distinctive
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