Page 280 - Essential Haematology
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266  /  Chapter 20  Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

                    other low - grade lymphomas such as follicular lym-  sometimes associated with a leukaemic phase.
                    phoma. Radiotherapy and rituximab are also used.     Around 10% of patients have initially localized
                                                              (Stage 1) disease and may achieve cure with radio-
                                                              therapy alone. Those with disseminated (Stage

                        Follicular  l ymphoma
                                                              II – IV) disease are generally not treated in the

                     This represents around 25% of NHL with a median  absence of symptoms (  watch and wait ’ ) but treat-
                    age of onset of 60 years. It is associated with the  ment is introduced when complications occur. At
                    t(14; 18) translocation in the great majority of cases  the current time, chemotherapy is not a curative
                    (Figs  20.14  and  20.15 ). The translocation leads to  option. Therapy is usually based on monthly courses

                    constitutive expression of the  BCL - 2  gene with  of rituximab, in combination with cyclophospha-
                    increased survival of cells because of reduced  mide, vincristine and prednisolone (R - CVP), or
                    apoptosis.                                rituximab with bendamustine or chlorambucil.
                       Patients are likely to be middle - aged or elderly  These regimens can provide clinical responses in up

                    and their disease is often characterized by a benign  to 90% of patients and usually achieve a remission
                    course for many years. The median survival from  of several years. Rituximab infusions can also be

                    diagnosis is approximately 10 years. Th e histological  given as maintenance therapy, and are typically
                    appearances are graded as I – III according to the  administered every 2 – 6 months as the antibody has
                    relative proportion of centrocytes and centroblasts,  a long half - life in the circulation.
                    Grade IIIb patients, who are treated according to     Disease relapse for stage II – IV disease is almost
                    diffuse large B - cell lymphoma (DLBCL) guidelines  inevitable and is usually treated initially with similar

                    (see below), having the worst prognosis. Bone  chemotherapy regimens followed by rituximab
                    marrow involvement is frequent.           maintenance. Over time the disease becomes
                        Presentation is usually with painless lymphade-  increasingly difficult to control and more intensive

                    nopathy, often widespread, and the majority of  chemotherapy or radiolabelled antibody therapy
                    patients will have stage III or IV disease. Relatively  (anti - CD20) may be considered. Autologous SCT
                    benign types may present rarely as polyps in the  may be valuable in patients with a history of at least
                    duodenum, in the skin, or in children. However,  one relapse and allogeneic SCT using reduced

                    sudden transformation may occur at a rate of about  intensity protocols offers the prospect of cure for

                    3% a year to aggressive diffuse tumours which are  some patients.

                    (a)                 (b)                  (c)                 (d)

                              Figure 20.14   Follicular lymphoma: immunostain.  (a)  The neoplastic cells are diffusely positive for B - cell markers

                    (CD20).  (b)  Immunostain: the neoplastic cells are diffusely positive for CD10, a germinal centre marker, and are
                    located in the follicular and interfollicular areas.  (c)  The neoplastic cells are positive for BCL - 6, a germinal centre
                    marker.  (d)  Immunostain: the neoplastic cells are positive for BCL - 2.
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