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Chapter 20 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma / 267
infi ltration. The cells have characteristically angular
nuclei in histological sections (Fig. 20.4 ) and often
circulate in the blood (Fig. 20.6 ).
Current treatment regimens include:
1 R - CHOP
2 Intensive combinations such as R - Hyper -
3 Cytosine arabinoside, rituximab and autologous
SCT and
4 Purine analogues with or without cyclophos-
phamide and rituximab.
The roles of bortezomid and lenalidomide are being
investigated. Allogeneic SCT may also be consid-
ered in some patients. The prognosis is usually poor
and overall survival is 4 – 6 years, although 15% of
patients show an indolent course similar to CLL.
Heavy - c hain d iseases
These are rare disorders in which neoplastic cells
secrete only incomplete ‘ immunoglobulin ’ heavy
chains ( γ , α or μ ). The most common is α chain
disease which occurs in the Mediterranean area and
starts as a malabsorption syndrome which may
progress to systemic lymphoma.
High - g rade n on - Hodgkin l ymphoma
Diffuse l arge B - c ell l ymphomas (DLBCL)
Figure 20.15 Follicular lymphoma: immunostain.
DLBCL are a heterogeneous group of disorders rep-
(a) CD20 expressed in tumour cells. (b) CD3 is
confi ned to reactive T cells. resenting the classic ‘ high - grade ’ lymphomas. As
such they typically present with rapidly progressive
lymphadenopathy associated with a fast rate of cel-
lular proliferation. Progressive infi ltration may
Mantle c ell l ymphoma
affect the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, brain
Mantle cell lymphoma is derived from pre - germinal (Fig. 20.16 ), spinal cord, the kidneys or other
centre cells localized in the primary follicles or in organs.
the mantle region of secondary follicles. It has a A variety of clinical and laboratory fi ndings are
characteristic phenotype of CD19 and CD5 (like relevant to the outcome of therapy. According to
CLL) but in contrast to CLL is CD22 and CD23 . the International Prognostic Index these include
A specific t(11; 14) translocation juxtaposes the age, performance status, stage, number of extran-
cyclin D1 gene to the immunoglobulin heavy - chain odal sites and serum LDH (Table 20.4 ). Bulky
gene, and leads to increased expression of cyclin D1. disease (major mass > 5 cm in diameter) and prior
Presence of this translocation is required for diag- history of low - grade disease or AIDS are also associ-
nosis. Clinical presentation is typically with lym- ated with a poorer prognosis. There are a variety of
phadenopathy and often there is bone marrow histological patterns including centroblastic, immu-