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Chapter 20  Non-Hodgkin lymphoma  /  261

                                                                include chest X - ray and computed tomography
                                                                (CT) scanning (Fig.  20.9 ). Positron - emission tom-
                                                                ography (PET) may detect disease not seen on CT
                                                                scan and is used to follow treatment response (Fig.
                                                                 20.10 ). Bone marrow aspiration and trephine are
                                                                also performed for diagnosis and staging and HIV
                                                                testing is needed.

                                                                    Specifi c  s ubtypes of  n on - Hodgkin
                                                                  l ymphoma

                                                                    Low - g rade  n on - Hodgkin  l ymphoma
                                                                    Small  l ymphocytic  l ymphoma

                                                                 This term is used for cases with the same morphol-
                                                                ogy, immunophenotype and cytogenetics as chronic
                                                                lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL), less than 5    ×    10  /L
                                                                peripheral blood B cells and no cytopenias due to
                                                                bone marrow involvement. Most of the patients are
                                                                elderly and often no treatment is required (  watch
                                                                and wait ’ ).

                                                                    Lymphoplasmacytoid  l ymphoma
                                                                (Waldenstr ö m ’ s  m acroglobulinaemia)
                                Figure 20.7   Iliac crest trephine biopsy in lymphocytic

                                                                 This is an uncommon condition, seen most fre-

                      lymphoma. Prominent nodules of lymphoid tissue are
                                                                quently in men over 50 years of age.  When, as
                      seen in the intertrabecular space and paratrabecular
                      areas.                                    usually is the case, the disease produces a mono-
                                                                clonal IgM paraprotein, lymphoplasmacytoid lym-
                                                                phoma  (LPL)  may  be  termed  Waldenstr ö m ’ s

                                                                macroglobulinaemia. The cell of origin appears to
                                                                be a post - germinal centre B cell with the character-
                                                                istics of an IgM - bearing memory B cell. Th e disease
                            Table 20.4   International prognostic index for

                                                                usually presents with an insidious onset, often with
                        high - grade lymphoma.
                                                                fatigue and weight loss. Hyperviscosity syndrome
                                                                (see Fig. 21.13)  is a common complication as IgM

                                              Good       Bad
                                                                paraprotein (a pentameter) increases blood viscosity
                            Age                 < 60 years       > 60 years    more than equivalent concentrations of IgG or IgA.
                            Performance status     0 or 1          > 2     Visual upset is frequent and the retina may show a
                                                                variety of changes such as engorged veins, haemor-
                            Stage (see p. 247)         I or II     III or IV
                                                                rhages, exudates and a blurred disc (see Fig. 21.13)  .
                            Number of         0 or 1          > 2     If the macroglobulin is a cryoglobulin, features of
                        extranodal sites                        cryoprecipitation, such as Raynaud  s phenomenon,
                                                                may be present. LPL may also be diagnosed by
                            Serum LDH       Normal     Raised
                                                                chance in symptomless patients.
                                                                    Anaemia, at least partly caused by an increased
                              LDH, lactate dehydrogenase.
                                                                plasma volume, is usually a significant problem and
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