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Chapter 20  Non-Hodgkin lymphoma  /  257

                        structures (Waldeyer  s ring) which may cause       Investigations
                        complaints of a   sore throat ’  or noisy or obstructed

                         4      Symptoms due to anaemia , infections due to neu-    Lymph node biopsy or trucut biopsy of lymph node
                        tropenia or purpura with thrombocytopenia may   or of other involved tissue (e.g. bone marrow or
                        be presenting features in patients with diff use   extranodal tissue) is the definitive investigation (Figs

                        bone marrow disease. Cytopenias may also be    20.3  and  20.4 ). Morphological examination is
                        autoimmune in origin or due to sequestration in   assisted by immunophenotypic and, in some cases,
                        the spleen. Infections may occur as a result of   genetic analysis (Table  20.3 ). For B - cell lymphomas,
                        neutropenia or reduced cell immunity (e.g.   expression of either  κ  or  λ  light chains confi rms
                        herpes zoster).                         clonality and distinguishes the disease from a reac-

                         5      Abdominal disease     The liver and spleen are often   tive node (Fig.  20.5 ). A fine needle aspiration may
                        enlarged and involvement of retroperitoneal or   be performed to exclude another cause of lymphad-
                        mesenteric nodes is frequent. Th e gastrointestinal   enopathy (e.g. tuberculosis, carcinoma) but is not
                        tract is the most commonly involved extranodal   useful in establishing a diagnosis of lymphoma.
                        site after the bone marrow, and patients may
                        present with acute abdominal symptoms.         Laboratory  i nvestigations

                         6      Other organs    Skin, brain, testis or thyroid

                        involvement is not infrequent. The skin is also        1   In advanced disease with marrow involvement

                        primarily involved in two unusual, closely related   there may be anaemia, neutropenia or thrombo-
                        T - cell lymphomas, mycosis fungoides and S é zary   cytopenia (especially if the spleen is enlarged or
                        syndrome.                                 there are leucoerythroblastic features).

                                Figure 20.3   Non - Hodgkin

                      lymphoma: histological sections
                      of lymph nodes showing:  (a)  a
                      diffuse pattern of involvement
                      in lymphocytic lymphoma
                      with the normal architecture
                      totally replaced by neoplastic
                      lymphocytic cells;  (b)  a follicular
                      or nodular pattern in follicular
                      lymphoma  –  the  ‘ follicles ’  or
                        ‘ nodules ’  of neoplastic cells
                      compress surrounding tissue
                      and lack a mantle of small
                      lymphocytes.                (a)                         (b)
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