Page 274 - Essential Haematology
P. 274

260  /  Chapter 20  Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

                                                                                      Figure 20.5   Non - Hodgkin
                                                                            lymphoma: lymph node stained
                                                                            by immunoperoxidase shows  (a)
                                                                            brown ring staining for  κ  in the
                                                                            malignant lymphoid nodule, and
                                                                              (b)  no labelling for  λ  confi rming
                                                                            the monoclonal origin of the
                    (a)                         (b)                         lymphoma.

                    (a)                         (b)                         (c)

                              Figure 20.6   Blood involvement by malignant lymphoma:  (a)  small cleaved lymphoid cells in follicle centre cell
                    lymphoma;  (b)  mantle cell lymphoma;  (c)  large B - cell lymphoma.

                    lymphomas there is clonal rearrangement of the   Staging
                    T - cell receptor genes (see Chapter  11 )  . Th ese tests
                    may be carried out on biopsy tissue. DNA microar-   The staging system (Cotswold modification of Ann

                    ray patterns of gene expression have been shown to  Arbor) is the same as that described for Hodgkin
                    give valuable diagnostic information (Fig.  20.8 ) but  lymphoma but is less clearly related to prognosis
                    are not used in routine clinical practice.         than histological type. Staging procedures usually
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