Page 269 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 20 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma / 255
(Fig. 20.2 ). They can be divided into those resem-
Table 20.2 Infections associated with
haemopoietic malignancies. bling precursor (bone marrow) B cells, those resem-
bling germinal centre (GC) cells and those post - GC
cells in lymph nodes. T - cell lymphomas resemble
Infection Tumour
precursor T cells in bone marrow or thymus, or
peripheral mature T cells.
HTLV - 1 Adult T - cell leukaemia/
Epstein – Barr virus Burkitt and Hodgkin Low - and h igh - g rade n on - Hodgkin
lymphomas; PTLD l ymphomas
HHV - 8 Primary effusion
lymphoma; multicentric The NHL are a diverse group of diseases and vary
Castleman ’ s disease from highly proliferative and potentially rapidly
HIV - 1 High - grade B - cell fatal diseases to some of the most indolent and well -
lymphoma, primary tolerated malignancies. For many years clinicians
CNS lymphoma, have subdivided lymphomas into low - and high -
Hodgkin lymphoma grade disease. This approach is valuable as, in
Hepatitis C Marginal zone lymphoma general terms, the low - grade disorders are relatively
Bacteria indolent, respond well to chemotherapy but are
Helicobacter pylori Gastric lymphoma very difficult to cure whereas high - grade lympho-
(MALT) mas are aggressive and need urgent treatment but
are more often curable.
Malaria Burkitt lymphoma
Leukaemias and l ymphomas
HHV - 8, human herpes virus 8; HIV, human immunodefi -
ciency virus; HTLV - 1, human T - lymphotropic virus type 1; Th e difference between lymphomas , in which lymph
MALT, mucosa - associated lymphoid tissue; PTLD, nodes, spleen or other solid organs are involved, and
post - transplant lymphoproliferative disease.
Diffuse large B cell 37%
Follicular lymphoma 29%
MALT lymphoma 9%
Mantle cell lymphoma 7%
Primary mediastinal large B cell 3%
High grade B, NOS 2.5%
MALT Burkitt 0.8%
Splenic marginal zone 0.9%
Nodal marginal zone 2%
lymphoma Lymphoplasmacytic 1.4%
Figure 20.1 The relative frequencies of B - cell non - Hodgkin lymphomas . CLL, chronic lymphocytic lymphoma;
DLBCL, diffuse large B - cell lymphoma; MALT, mucosa - associated lymphoid tissue; MCL, mantle cell lymphoma;
NOS, not otherwise specifi ed; PMLBCL, primary mediastinal large B - cell lymphoma; SLL, small lymphocytic