Page 289 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 21  Multiple myeloma and related disorders  /  275


                                Figure 21.3   (a)  Multiple myeloma: X - ray of lumbar spine
                      showing severe demineralization with partial collapse of L  3  .

                        (b)  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of spine: T  2  - weighted
                      study. There is infi ltration and destruction of L  3   and L  5   with
                      bulging of the posterior part of the body of L  3   into the spinal
                      canal compressing the corda equina (arrowed). Radiotherapy

                      has caused a marrow signal change in vertebrae C  2  – D  4   because
                      of replacement of normal red marrow by fat (bright white
                      signal).  (Courtesy of Dr A. Platts.)            (b)
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