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276  /  Chapter 21  Multiple myeloma and related disorders

                       4      Features of renal failure and/or hypercalcaemia:   have IgD or IgE paraprotein and a similar
                      polydipsia, polyuria, anorexia, vomiting, consti-  number are non - secretory.
                      pation and mental disturbance.              2      Elevated serum immunoglobulin - free light
                       5      Abnormal bleeding tendency: myeloma protein   chains      Immunoglobulin - free   light   chains
                      may interfere with platelet function and coagula-  (FLC) are  κ  or  λ  light chain proteins, synthesized
                      tion factors; thrombocytopenia occurs in   by plasma cells that have not been paired with

                      advanced disease.                          heavy chain (Fig.  21.4 ). They are normally made

                       6   Amyloidosis occurs in 5% with features such as   in small quantities and filtered from the serum

                      macroglossia, carpal tunnel syndrome and   into the kidney but can be measured in serum.
                      diarrhoea.                                 Free light chains are produced by almost all
                       7      In approximately 2% of cases there is a   malignant plasma cells and so the  serum free light
                      hyperviscosity syndrome with purpura, haemor-  chain  assay is useful in diagnosis and monitoring
                      rhages, visual failure, central nervous system   of myeloma and other forms of malignant para-
                      (CNS) symptoms, neuropathies and heart     proteinaemia. Typically in myeloma there is an
                      failure.                                   increase in either the  κ  or  λ  serum free light
                                                                 chain value. The normal  κ    :    λ  serum free light

                       Laboratory findings include the following:
                                                                 chain ratio of 0.6 (range 0.26 – 1.65) is also
                        1      Presence of a paraprotein     Serum  and  urine   skewed with an excess of either  κ  or  λ  chains.

                       should be screened by immunoglobulin electro-  Light chain assays have largely replaced the need

                       phoresis. The paraprotein is immunoglobulin G   for analysis of urine paraproteinaemia.
                       (IgG) in 60% of cases, IgA in 20% and light      3      Normal  serum  immunoglobulin  levels  (IgG,
                       chain only in almost all the rest. Less than 1%   IgA and IgM) are reduced, a feature known as


                                                                                Figure 21.4   The value of serum

                                                                      immunoglobulin - free light chain (FLC)
                                                                      measurement in multiple myeloma.
                                                                        (a)  Serum free light chains are
                                                                      immunoglobulin light chains that are
                                                                      synthesized by plasma cells but not paired
                                                                      with heavy chains before they are released
                    (b)                                               into the blood. Low levels are found in
                         10 5 4                                       normal individuals and these are increased
                        Serum lambda FLC (mg/L)  10 10 3 2  Normal sera  patients with renal impairment and those
                                                                      in patients with myeloma.  (b)  Profi le of
                                                                      serum free light chains in healthy controls,
                                                     Kappa LCMM
                                                                      with  κ  or  λ  light chain multiple myeloma
                                                     Lambda LCMM
                                                                      (LCMM). As light chains are normally
                                                     Renal impairment
                                                                      fi ltered by the kidney, their levels rise in

                                                                      the  κ   :   λ  ratio remains normal. (From

                         0.1 1                                        patients with renal impairment although
                            0.1  1  10  10 2  10 3  10 4  10 5        Hutchison C. (2008)  BMC Nephrology   9 ,
                                Serum kappa FLC (mg/L)                11 – 19; Bradwell A.R. (2003)  Lancet   361 ,
                                                                      489 – 91.)
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