Page 406 - Essential Haematology
P. 406

392  /  Chapter 28  Haematological changes in systemic disease


                                                                                      Figure 28.7   Human immunodefi -
                                                                            ciency virus (HIV) infection: bone
                                                                            marrow trephine biopsy.  (a)
                                                                            Granuloma showing positivity with
                                                                            Ziehl – Nielsen stain.  (b)  Higher
                                                                            power shows large numbers of
                    (b)                                                     acid - fast bacilli.

                    variety of genes affecting osteoclast function. Th e   nents and CRP (see p. 395  ), haptoglobin, serum
                    bones are brittle, there is extramedullary haemopoi-  amyloid A (SAA) protein, ferritin and others. Th e
                    esis with enlargement of the liver and spleen. Th e   rise in these liver - derived proteins is part of a wider
                    only cure is by stem cell transplantation.         response which includes fever, leucocytosis and
                                                              increased immune reactivity. The acute phase

                        Non - s pecifi c  m onitoring of       response is mediated by cytokines (e.g. IL - 1; see Fig.

                                                                8.4 ) and TNF, released from macrophages and pos-
                      s ystemic  d isease
                                                              sibly other cells. Patients with chronic disease may

                     Th e inflammatory response to tissue injury includes   show periodic or continuous evidence of the acute
                    changes in plasma concentrations of proteins known   phase response depending upon the extent of
                    as acute phase proteins. These include fi brinogen   inflammation. Quantitative measurements of acute

                    and other clotting factors, complement compo-  phase proteins are valuable indicators of the
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