Page 408 - Essential Haematology
P. 408

394  /  Chapter 28  Haematological changes in systemic disease

                                                                   Table 28.6   Advantages and disadvantages

                                                               of the tests used to monitor the acute phase
                                                                     Advantages       Disadvantages

                                                                     CRP *

                                                                   Specifi c test of acute       More than one protein
                                                                phase protein      required to measure
                                                                                   acute (CRP) and
                                                                                   chronic infl ammation
                                                                   Fast response (6       Costly when assayed
                                                                hours) to change in   in small numbers
                                                                disease activity

                                                                   High sensitivity  –  owing   Sophisticated
                                                                to large incremental   equipment and
                                                                change             antisera required
                                                                   Can be measured on
                                                                stored serum
                                                                   Small sample
                                                                   Automated analysis
                                                                     ESR and plasma viscosity
                                                                   Useful in chronic       Not sensitive to acute
                                                                disease            changes ( < 24 hours)
                                                                   ESR inexpensive,       Not specifi c for acute
                                                                easy, no electrical   phase response
                              Figure 28.10   African trypanosomiasis: blood fi lm   power required

                    showing  Trypanosoma brucei .                  Plasma viscosity  –         Slow to change with
                                                                result obtained    alteration in disease
                                                                quickly (15 min)    activity and
                                                                                   insensitive to small
                                                                                   changes in activity

                    presence and extent of inflammation and of its       Plasma viscosity not       Fresh samples ( < 2
                    response to treatment. When short - term (less than   affected by anaemia    hours) required for
                    24 hours) changes in the inflammatory response are             ESR

                    expected CRP is the test of choice (Table  28.6 ).
                    Long - term changes in the acute phase proteins are         ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
                    monitored by either the ESR or plasma viscosity.         *  C - reactive protein (CRP) is normally present in low
                                                               concentrations ( < 5   mg/L). Levels are not infl uenced by

                    These tests are influenced by plasma proteins which   anaemia, pregnancy or heart failure. During severe acute

                    are either slowly responding acute phase reactants   infection the plasma concentration may rise 100 - fold.

                    (e.g. fibrinogen) or are not acute phase proteins (e.g.

                                                              (e.g. fibrinogen and immunoglobulins). Th e normal
                        Erythrocyte  s edimentation  r ate
                                                              range in men is 1 – 5  mm/hour and in women

                     This commonly used but non - specific test measures  5 – 15   mm/hour but there is a progressive increase in
                    the speed of sedimentation of red cells in plasma  old age. Th  e ESR is raised in a wide variety of sys-

                    over a period of 1 hour. The speed is mainly depend-  temic inflammatory and neoplastic diseases and in

                    ent on the plasma concentration of large proteins  pregnancy. It is useful for diagnosing and monitor-
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