Page 170 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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150    CHAPTER 6

                                                                     brownish-yellow tint, and have a thin transparent hyaline
                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  unsegmented ovum. During its passage down the intes-
                                                                    shell membrane that is not normally bile stained. When
                                                                    released by the worm in the intestine, the egg contains an

                                                                    tine, the ovum develops and thus the eggs passed in feces
                                                                    have a segmented ovum, usually with 4 to 8 blastomeres.
                                                                        Because the similarity of the ova of both agents is
                                                                    so strong, a report of “hookworm ova” is sufficient with-
                                                                    out differentiating between the two species. S. stercoralis

                                                                    so the differentiation between hookworm and S. ster-
                                                                    coralis must be made. In a number of parasitic infec-
                                                                    tions, blood tests in early infection often show a rise in
                   FIGURE 6-11  Hookworm (L), and a Strongyloides (R)   hookworm larvae require an entirely different treatment,
                   filariform infective stage larvae                numbers of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell that
                                                                    is preferentially stimulated by worm infections in tissues
                                                                    (large numbers of eosinophils are also present in the  local
                   with each other, especially because both are contracted   inflammatory response). Falling blood hemoglobin levels
                   in the same manner, from contaminated soil. It may be   will be seen in cases of prolonged infection with some-
                   important to differentiate between the two filariform lar-  times severe anemia as well as a general appearance of
                   vae (Figure 6-11).                               illness and perhaps a loss of weight. The victim is often
                       An interesting consequence of Ancylostoma duode-  listless from the anemic condition and presents a picture
                   nale infection is that of translactational transmission of   of generally poor health when infected by large popula-
                   the infection in humans where a breast-feeding mother   tions of hookworm parasites.
                   passes the infection to the infant. The larvae are able to   Differentiation of species between A. duodenale and
                   pass into the mammary glands of the mother, so that the   N. americanus requires the presence of the rhabditiform
                   newborn baby can receive a large dose of infective larvae   larvae as well as other factors (Table 6-1). Sometimes the
                   through its mother’s milk. This possibly explains cases   ova hatch in the feces and both ova and larvae will be found
                   of heavy and sometimes fatal hookworm infections in   in a fecal sample. Distinguishing features for  differentiation
                   children a month or so of age, in places such as China,   of species is made by the morphology of the buccal capsule
                   India, and in other more isolated population groups that   and presence of copulatory bursa in the male. The buccal
                   include the aborigines of northern Australia.  Ancylostoma   capsule of A. duodenale is equipped with teeth, whereas
                   caninum, a related organism, also causes infections in   that of the N. americanus reveals cutting plates. Three
                   dogs. The organisms may be passed through the milk of     developmental stages of hookworm larvae are as follows:
                   the mother dog and the newborn pups may even die of
                                                                      1st stage—the rhabditiform larva is the free-living form
                   hemorrhaging from their intestines. This phenomenon
                   may lend credence to those who associate parasitic infec-  2nd stage—filariform larvae not capable of indepen-
                   tions of similar organisms in both domestic animals and   dently living in the environment and must find a host;
                   humans as confirming a close evolutionary link between   possess shorter esophagus than that of the rhabditi-
                   some species of human and canine parasites.        form larvae
                                                                      3rd stage—infective form capable of penetrating the
                   Laboratory Diagnosis                               skin through contact with soil

                   Recovery of ova (eggs) or larvae may not be possible in   Treatment and Prevention
                   the early stages of the infection, until the disease has pro-
                   gressed to a more advanced stage. Diagnosis depends   Topical solutions for treatment of dogs and cats are avail-
                   on finding characteristic worm eggs on microscopic ex-  able, a critical component of preventing the disease from
                   amination of the stools. The eggs are oval or elliptical and   being contracted by humans. It utilizes moxidectin for
                   measure roughly 60 μm by 40 μm, are colorless with a   control and prevention of roundworms, hookworms,
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